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Christenson Resort
Cottages with a lake view. Photographs, directions, and rates.
Hendriks Island Lake Resort
Nestled among the hills of the Huron National Forest, in Ogemaw County Michigan. Two private beaches, row boats, paddleboats, fishing, golfing, hiking, horseback riding, shooting sports, ski trails, and snowmobiling.
Iron Horse Manufacturing
Helmet and suit hangers for storing outdoor recreation equipment, helmets and uniforms.
Northeast Michigan Real Estate
Real Estate services in Ogemaw, Roscommon, Oscoda, and Iosco Counties. Recreational, residential, and commercial.
Repairs Unlimited
ASE Certified L-1 Master Technician. State of the art facility. Spotless. Alldata information system, Vetronix Diagnostics.
Rose City and Lupton Chamber of Commerce
Listing of businesses, organizations, and recreational resources. Includes a schedule of events and festivals.
Rose City Local News: Topix.net
Local, regional, and statewide news collected from diverse sources on the web.
Rose City, Michigan
History of the city. Links to area businesses, government, events, weather, and community information.
Rose City, Michigan
Census, geography, and demographic information for the city.
Web design, hosting, domain names, dedicated servers, and custom database programming. References and contact information.