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Career Source
Provides resources for job seekers and employers. Information on available services, seminars, and facilities. Locations in Cambridge and Chelsea.
Offers job opportunities for both a temporary/contract or full time placement specializing in accounting and finance, administrative, financial services and technology.
JVS of Greater Boston
The Jewish Vocational Service is a nonprofit, non-sectarian organization. Contains client success stories and information on programs, including education, refugee training, career planning, and microenterprise development.
Operation A.B.L.E. of Greater Boston, Inc.
Offers affordable training for mature job seekers. Includes information about classes, job search services, and events. Also includes links to other employment sites. Locations in Boston and Woburn.
Prestonwood Associates, Inc.
Retained executive search firm specializing in placing senior level sales and marketing positions.
Resource Options, Inc.
Staffing solutions for the local environmental industry.
Rewarding Work
Human services careers - area agencies offer rewarding, caregiver job opportunities and internships to help adults with mental retardation lead full lives. Flexible benefits.
The Berklee Group
Permanent and flexible placement of Information Systems, Database, Computer and Programmer Specialists.
The Bowdoin Group
Specializing in pharmaceutical, biotechnology, medical and telecommunication employment in greater boston.
The Bradford Group
Placement services; includes current listings, online application, and candidate sampling.
The Monday Network
Organization for job seekers to share ideas and resources. Includes meeting information, strategies, and links to tools.
Temporary staffing services for technical, professional and administrative jobs.
Vista Technology
Job placement for the BioTechnology/BioPharmaceutical industry.