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Christ Church Cathedral, Faith United Church, First Church of Christ, Congregational, Holy Cross Parish, Holy Name Parish, Jewish Federation of Greater Springfield, Our Lady of Sacred Heart Roman Catholic Church, Roman Catholic Diocese of Springfield, Saint Mary Parish Community, Sinai Temple
Gasoline Alley Foundation
Teaches inner-city youth and underprivileged persons to be successful entrepreneurs using socially responsible and sustainable business practices. Includes a list of members, alumni, and supporters.
Goodwill Industries
Displays contact information for this non profit organization providing service to individuals, families and the disabled.
Human Resources Unlimited
Provides community rehabilitation services to adults with developmental and psychiatric disabilities. Includes information on programs and services.
Junior League of Greater Springfield
Provides membership and event information for this civic organization.
Melha Temple
Information about this Shrine group, including descriptions and events.
MSPCA Springfield Animal Shelter
Information on events, classes and animals available for adoption.
North End Youth Center - Springfield, MA
Information about the Youth Advisory Board.
Our Lady of Mount Carmel Church - Marriage Prepara
A site for engaged couples who want successful, happy marriages. Enhanced communication now will avoid problems later. Take time to work on your relationship as well as on wedding plans.
The Gay Lesbian Bi Transgendered and Queer Springfield Resource Guide. The easiest and fastest way to find information on Gay Springfield, Massachusetts.
Partners for Community
Non-profit management services organization providing administrative services to six affiliated non-profit human service agencies operating in major New England cities.
Safety Council of Western New England
Raises awareness and provides information and resources to prevent and control unnecessary illness, injury, and death. Includes video library catalog, training information, and membership signup.
Spirit of Springfield
A private, non-profit organization producing large scale events for the benefit of the community. A calendar of events is provided.
Springfield Boys and Girls Club
Includes membership information, news, and programs schedule.
Springfield Kennel Club, Inc.
Dog show information plus breeder referrals, obedience and handling class information.
Springfield Leadership Institute
Providing programs to develop members of the business community for volunteer service.
Springfield Partners, Inc.
Helps combat poverty. Includes information on programs and services with activities calendar.
Springfield Public Forum
An ongoing lecture series open to the public and featuring notable speakers. Included are a schedule of events and membership information.
Springfield Rescue Mission
History plus information on special ministries, upcoming events and volunteer opportunities.
Springfield Stars Club
An amateur astronomy club serving the greater Springfield, Massachusetts area. The charter of the club is to promote the science of astronomy and provide an opportunity for members to share knowledge and experience of all aspects of the hobby, and to provide astronomy education to the general public
Teamsters Local 404
Teamsters local union in Springfield, MA.
The Naturalists' Club Homepage
Home page for The Naturalist's Club, Springfield, MA, USA.
The Springfield 50 Project
Memorial to the veterans from Springfield who gave their lives during the Vietnam War. Biographies of the soldiers are provided.
The Springfield Girls' Club Family Center
United Way group with highlights of programs, services, and donation opportunities.
Toohey, Shawn
Personal site with collection of links to news and local resources.