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Colleges and Universities
Springfield College, Springfield Technical Community College
Academy Hill School
Independent elementary school with grades K-6 for children who show early signs of exceptional ability.
Community Music School of Springfield
Offers registration information, instruction schedules, events calendar, and faculty directory.
Giggle Gardens
Bilingual child care and early learning programs. Includes information on programs, registration, employment and locations.
Pioneer Valley Christian School
Statement of faith, profile, admission information, and highlights of programs.
Pioneer Valley Montessori School
Montessori-based education program. Includes school calendar and student web pages.
Preschool Enrichment Team
Non profit organization which helps parents find child care; assists home day care and child care centers with licensing and accreditation; and offers training to child care providers.
Roger L. Putnam Vocational Technical High School
Vocational and special programs, athletics, administration, academics and vision statement.
Spelling Talks
Includes information on video to help someone read and spell; provides downloadable spelling chart and sample movie.
Springfield Early Care & Education Partnership
Organization formed to support the continued development of a comprehensive early learning system. Information on child care assistance; hearing, vision & other health screenings; kindergarten registration; parent workshops.
Springfield Public Schools
Provides directory of local schools, job postings, school calendars, and information on school committee meetings
Springfield School Volunteers
Nonprofit organization which solicits volunteers to give time to Springfield public school students for mentoring, enrichment, tutoring and other assistance.
The MacDuffie School
A college preparatory school for grades six through twelve. Includes information on academics, admission, faculty and boarding programs.