english deutsch
Andover Newton Theological School
Graduate Christian educational institution offers both traditional and online courses. Extensive description of the school, including academics, admissions, library, and publications.
Arte y Juego
Teaches Spanish to young children using language immersion. Contains a description of the program, class schedule, and a profile of the teacher. Located in Chestnut Hill.
Bigelow Middle School
Includes information about the school and activities, as well as a daily student video news program.
Burr Cooperative Nursery School
Non-profit school for ages 3 and 4. Details on its philosophy, curriculum, classroom, staff, and the application process.
Education Development Center, Inc.
Designs curricula and improves learning conditions for all levels of education. Order educational materials online.
Interactive French language course for children and adults using audiocassettes, storybooks, activity boards, flashcards and musical CD's.
Jewish Community Day School
Progressive, child-centered school for grades K-8. Contains news, a calendar and information on admissions and programs.
Kumon of Newton Centre
After-school math and reading programs for children in kindergarten through high school. Includes a description of the method and contact information.
Montessori Educare School
Independent, coeducational school for infants to grade six. Includes academic, admissions, and parent information, as well as a school calendar. Located in Newton Centre.
Newton Auto Driving School
Offers courses for teens and adults, including door-to-door service. Contains curriculum descriptions and prices.
Newton Community Education
Educational, social, cultural, and vocational programs for adults and children. Includes course information, online registration, and event listings.
Newton Public Schools
Curriculum details, programs and home pages for each school.
Newton Public Schools Online
Information portal maintained by the School Committee. Covers issues before the committee, school administration and has a document library. Also has snow cancellation information.
Russian School of Mathematics
An after-school program for students in grades 1-12. Online enrollment form and picture gallery.
Solomon Schechter Day School of Greater Boston
Newton Centre K-8 day school adhering to the principles of Conservative Judaism. Includes information on acadamics, activities, and admissions.
The Brimmer and May School
Private independent coeducational K-12 day school. Information on academics, athletics, arts and school life. Online academic and sports calendars.
The Chestnut Hill School
Independent, coeducational preschool, kindergarten and elementary school. Information on admissions, academics, programs and the school calendar.
The Fessenden School
K-9 boys' boarding and day school in West Newton. Includes information about admissions, the curriculum, coed summer camps, and alumni programs.
The National Center for Teaching Thinking
Consultants for schools, colleges, and businesses on projects related to the teaching of thinking skills. Includes book list, lesson plans, message board, and service descriptions. Located in Newtonville.
The Preschool Experience
Private preschool for children ages three to five located in Newton Centre. Contains hours of operation, parent testimonials, and a contact form.
The Rashi School
Reform Jewish day school. Includes information on tuition, admissions procedure, transportation, donations, and community.
Trinity Catholic High School
Coed school for grades 9-12. Description of school and faculty. Information for students, alumni and prospective students.