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Doris F. Tennant and Associates
Mediation of family, divorce, business, and workplace disputes. Contains a description of services, including testimonials.
Gately & Goldman, LLP
Provides litigation and mediation services. Includes a description of the practice, attorney profiles, and contact information.
Gillis and Bikofsky, P.C.
Provides information on each of the associates in the firm, and contains links to legal resources. Located in Newton Centre.
Kenneth Halpern and Associates
Handling personal injury cases, including medical malpractice and construction site accidents. Provides information on the firm and its services.
Law Office of Paula B. Mackin
Practicing in the fields of adoption and assisted reproductive technology issues. Includes a profile of the firm, with information about its areas of specialty.
Law Offices of James Sokolove
Newton Centre firm offering services for personal injury cases. Includes a profile of the firm, information about the types of cases, and a list of settlements.
Law Offices of Sharyn T. Sooho
Family practice. Includes a bulletin board, an interactive child support prognosticator, FAQs on family law and links to legal resources.
Lustig, Glaser & WIlson, P.C.
Specializes in the collection of accounts receivable, creditors' rights issues and related litigation, real estate transactions, title examination, and mortgage foreclosures.
Resnek and Fields
Specializes in domestic relations and divorce. Provides information about the firm and a private area for clients. Located in Newton Centre.
Rosenberg, Freedman and Goldstein
Specializes in personal injury, commercial litigation and divorce. Includes attorney profiles and a description of the practice.
Tamkin & Hochberg, LLP
General practice transactional law firm in Newton Corner. Includes descriptions of areas of practice, legal articles, and company news.
Tennant & Ewer, P.C.
Full-service practice covering business, civil litigation, probate, and real estate. Includes a description of the firm, attorney profiles, and informational articles.
Weber and Baum
Concentrates in mental health, guardianship, adoption, child custody and education. Describes services and outlines fees.
William M. Cloran, Esq.
General practice and security officer training. Includes a description of services available, academy training, firearm manual, and security handbook. Located in Newton Centre.
Yellin & Goldner
Attorneys handling receivables collection and creditors rights matters. Describes the practice and contains profiles of the partners.