english deutsch
National Heritage Museum
Cary Memorial Library
Public library hours and resources. A member of the Minuteman Library Network.
Children's Arts Corner
Classes in Dance, ballet, jazz, creative movement, and gym classes for children, preschoolers and toddlers.
Francesca Anderson Fine Art
Also known as Portraits North represents New England realists as well as portrait artists from the Northeast, from Pennsylvania to Maine. Includes gallery hours and location.
Lexington Bicentennial Band
Upcoming performances and sponsors.
Lexington High School Library
Catalog, links, and resources.
Lexington Public Schools Libraries
School library network with links to national and state education sites, description of librarians' roles, LPSL collection development policy; and public school resources.
Music For Robin
An organization that presents Celtic and British concerts. Site includes a concert calendar, ticket information, folk radio listings.
The Muse's Window
Contemporary crafts. Pictures of available pieces.