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Alcoholics Anonymous - Canton Meetings
List of selected meetings of AA in Canton, Massachusetts.
Blue Hill Lodge, AF&AM
Masonic lodge that meets the first Tuesday, except July and August. Master's message, news, officers, history, general Masonic information.
Canine Connections
Referral service connecting dogs from local shelters with people.
Canton Historical Society
Collecting and preserving everything relating to the history, topography and family genealogy of the town of Canton.
Canton Spiritualist Church
Offers healing services, lecture and declaration of principles. Includes listing of events and a forum focusing on spiritualism.
First Parish Unitarian Universalist
Information on the UU Church.
Knollwood Memorial Park
Nonsectarian cemetery. Directions, list of services, information on cemetary events, frequently asked questions, and contact information.
U.S. Naval Sea Cadet Corps - Freedom Division
Details and information about this unit, including news and upcoming events and a photo gallery.