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Attucks, Crispus
Crispus Attucks, Crispus Attucks Association Inc., Crispus Attucks Cultural Center, Hall of Black Achievement - Crispus Attucks, Seacoast NH Black History - Crispus Attucks, The Boston Massacre - Crispus Attucks - African-Am, The Indianapolis Public Schools Crispus Attucks Mu, The Man, The Murder of Crispus Attucks
Boston Massacre
Anonymous Account of the Boston Massacre, Boston Massacre Oration, Captain Thomas Preston's Account of the Bosto, The Account of the Boston Massacre, The Boston Massacre Files, The Boston Massacre Trial of 1770, The Boston Massacre Trials
Boston Tea Party
Boston Tea Party, Boston Tea Party, Boston Tea Party Message Board, Boston Tea Party Ship and Museum, Lord Buckley's "The Boston Tea Party&quo, Tea Act - 1773, The Boston Tea Party, The Boston Tea Party: Drinking to Independence
Revere, Paul
Click2FamousTrials - Paul Revere: Treason Trial, Paine Service, Paul Revere, Paul Revere, Paul Revere, Paul Revere Grand Master, Paul Revere House, Paul Revere In Canton, Mass., Paul Revere Virtual Museum, Paul Revere's Other Ride
Bunker Hill, Massachusetts
Occurred June 17, 1775, prior to the formation of the Continental Army, at Breed's Hill in Charlestown, Massachusetts. The conditions leading up to the battle, the terrain, and the generals and troops involved are presented. Background materials: maps, biographies, and exercises are provided to increase understanding.
Portrait of Samuel Adams
Illustration of the American Revolution activist.
Samuel Adams
Biographic information.
The Decisive Day is Come: The Battle of Bunker Hil
Online exhibit of the Massachusetts Historical Society, providing essay, timeline, battle accounts, biographical sketches, maps and views and a research guide.