english deutsch
Full color printing company with online ordering and proofing capabilities.
Addison Wesley and Benjamin Cummings
Educational publishers offering textbooks, multimedia, and learning programs in key academic disciplines.
Beacon Press
Independent Beacon Hill publisher of books about art, knowledge, justice, and the spirit.
Color Circle Art Publishing
Dedicated to making widely available the imagery of African Diaspora visual artists.
Fast Company
Magazine dedicated to reporting about how the "fast companies"; entrepreneurs, and cutting-edge are doing what they do. Contains best practices, lessons learned, and cases.
HomeWorks Media Group
Creates HomeWorks Sourcebook guide of pre-qualified contracting service providers.
Houghton Mifflin Co.
Major publisher of textbooks, reference works, fiction, non-fiction, and educational software and video. Site includes information about each of the company's nine divisions.
Mass High Tech
Includes technical news and information for the New England area.
Red Sun Press
Describes offset printing and graphic design services; includes digital submission form and equipment list.
The Warren Group
Publishes real estate information for New England; links to publications and town statistics.
Wellington News and Media
Subscription agency for local and world newspapers and magazines. Services are described.