english deutsch
Bernz Tech
Collective of technologically advanced computer users. List of current and upcoming projects, and how to join.
Boston Idea Group
Advertising and communications networking group, includes events calendar, mailing list signup, and seminar information.
Boston Travel Professionals
Membership information and listing of meeting locations and topics.
Boston Women's Network
Mission and contact information.
BusinessLINC Boston
Small-business hub. Resources for mentoring, business loans, workshops and seminars, connecting with other businesses.
Committee for Accuracy in Middle East Reporting in
Devoted to challenging perceived anti-Israeli news coverage. Statement of purpose, reports, criticism, outreach, press releases, links and membership information.
Commonwealth Corporation
Information on administration and delivery of public and privately-funded initiatives designed to meet the labor needs of businesses; improve current and emerging workers' skills; foster career success through lifelong learning; and retain, sustain, improve and create job-generating businesses.
Downtown Women's Club
Cross-industry networking group for women. Our mission is empowering women through access to information and collaboration.
NEWIRE - New England Women in Real Estate
An association of professionals engaged in all aspects of commercial real estate, and an affiliate of the CREW Network.
Nuestra Community Development Corporation
Provides community economic development help with affordable and low income housing, minority small business loans, small business development, urban renewal, and community organizations.
Score Boston Chapter
Dedicated to entrepreneur education and the formation growth and success of small businesses; information on services offered.
The Boston Club
Organization for high-achieving executive and professional women. Describes board placement program and leadership initiatives, with information on membership and regular activities.
The Commonwealth Instititute
Information on group that helps women entrepreneurs and CEO's grow their companies.
The Fate Foundation
Supports business development in Nigeria; includes resources and volunteer information.