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Real Estate
David Maplesden - Long & Foster, Joseph Vincent - Long & Foster, Kimberly O'Brien - Long & Foster, Long & Foster Real Estate - Takoma Park Office
Andrew Fontanella
Maryland attorney emphasizing in consumer debt resolution, consumer bankruptcy and personal injury litigation. Career profile, frequently asked questions, and services overview available.
Bennett Frank McCarthy Architects, Inc.
Architecture firm offering residential, commercial, institutional, religious, assisted living, additions, and public architecture.
Chamberlin-Washington, Inc.
Caulking, waterproofing, weatherstripping, and exterior restoration specialists, based in Takoma Park, Maryland.
Classic Windows and Doors by Design
Offers remodeling and installation of doors, windows, decks, kitchens, sunrooms, and bathrooms.
Creative Filing Systems, Inc.
Filing systems and supplies.
CSA Public Relations
Serving African artists and fashion designers.
Dean Insurance Agency
Insurance sales.
E Com Communications
An online marketing communications firm specializing in web site development and strategy.
G & G Pawnbrokers, Inc
Information about the pawnshop. Testimonials, products offered and directions.
Healey Surgeons
Specialty shop located just outside of Washington, DC specializing in Austin Healey Parts and restoration. Site also provides online ordering and mail-in service information.
House of Musical Traditions
Musical instruments, books, videos and recordings from many cultures around the world.
Interface Multimedia, Inc.
Architectural rendering and animation company.
Loriola Fun and Functional
Offers handmade glassware, beads, and gift items.
Point Of View Studio
Offers commercial photography for actors, musicians, and performers who need quality headshots.
Takoma Old Town Business Association
Informationa about Takoma Park businesses.
Takoma Park Silver Springs Co-op
Natural food store offering its newsletter, photos, and membership information.
The Takoma Park Farmers Market
Schedule and retailer information for the farmer's market.