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Laurel Pregnancy Center
Offers information on its programs and services, including pregnancy tests, information about pregnancy options, and post-abortion counseling.
Laurel Regional Hospital
A full-service community hospital serving northern Prince George's County and Montgomery, Howard, and Anne Arundel counties with 185 beds and over 700 employees. Features details on inpatient and outpatient services, community programs, and contact details. A member of Dimensions Healthcare System.
Laurel Volunteer Fire Department
Fire safety information, Redskins season tickets raffle, Corvette raffle.
Marie Amos Dobyns, MD
Serves patients in Howard, Prince George's and Montgomery counties and accepts most insurance. General practice specializing in internal medicine and geriatric medicine.
Maryland City Volunteer Fire Department and Rescue
Providing information on the organization, its history, membership and training requirements, and fire safety and prevention and emergency medical services.
Massage by Karen
Details on services which include Swedish and deep tissue massage, and Reiki.
Tai Sophia Institute
Center for patient care and graduate education in complementary medicine. Features details on its acupuncture, botanical healing and bodywork programs, community services, admissions, location map and directions.
Women's Health Research Center
Offers treatment and clinical trials for a wide range of conditions including osteoporosis, menopause, endometriosis, gynecological disorders, and various other medical conditions that affect women.