english deutsch
Department of Pediatrics - University of Maryland
Statewide center for treatment of critically ill children and research into health issues affecting infants and children.
Good Samaritan Hospital of Maryland
Regional referral center for arthritis, joint replacement, and rehabilitation, provides preventive medicine programs and several levels of care facilities for senior citizens.
Greater Baltimore Medical Center
Includes information on women's health, surgery, cancer, urgent care/ER, and medicine services.
Johns Hopkins Bayview Medical Center
Part of the Johns Hopkins Health System, provides medical services, including a trauma center, neonatal intensive care and regional burn center.
Johns Hopkins Children's Center
Acute care hospital for children. Including faculty, residency program, links, clinical, and referral information.
Maryland General Hospital
A 245-bed community teaching institution located in Baltimore that serves as the cornerstone of Maryland General Health Systems. Includes description of services, physicians, classes and events, medical residencies and employment, and health information.
Mercy Medical Center
A comprehensive website; make an appointment online. Women's health and health programs available. Latest news, including employment.
Mt. Washington Pediatric Hospital, Inc.
Provides inpatient, outpatient, day programs, and home-based care for infants and children with rehab and/or complex medical needs.
Sinai Health System
The merger of Sinai Hospital of Baltimore and the Levindale hebrew Geriatric Center and Hospital has created a most comprehensive health care organization.
St. Agnes HealthCare
SAHC, an Ascension Health member with a 407-bed teaching hospital, nursing home, and physician offices.
University of Maryland Medicine
University of Maryland Medical Center is a world-class academic medical institution located in Baltimore, Maryland. Provides comprehensive health care. Includes Medical Center, Hospital for Children, Cancer Center, Shock Trauma Center, Rehab Center and Teaching Hospital.
University Specialty Hospital
A 180-bed chronic hospital in Baltimore that provides specialized long-term acute care services to patients who are critically ill, have multi-system complications or failures that require hospitalization. Description of programs and services.