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Herbert L. Livingston, DDS, Naylors Court Dental Partners, Robin Gaber, D.D.S.
Hospitals and Medical Centers
Department of Pediatrics - University of Maryland , Good Samaritan Hospital of Maryland, Greater Baltimore Medical Center, Johns Hopkins Bayview Medical Center, Johns Hopkins Children's Center, Maryland General Hospital, Mercy Medical Center, Mt. Washington Pediatric Hospital, Inc., Sinai Health System, St. Agnes HealthCare
The Retina Center
Able Hands Mobile Massage
Traveling table and on site chair massage. Includes rates, special offers and clients.
Alzheimer Disease Research Center at Johns Hopkins
Dedicated to researching the biological basis of Alzheimer's Disease to advance treatment options, improve the prognosis of patients, and provide support for caregivers. Information about the disease, research programs, treatment options and clinical trials.
Baltimore City Health Department
Information and resources on accessing health care through Maryland's HealthChoice Managed Care Program and the Maryland Children's Health Program.
Baltimore Medical System
A private non-private community health center providing primary health care services to the uninsured and under-insured. Includes pediatrics, internal medicine, and OB/GYN.
Bowser Podiatry PA
Provides office location and directions, specialties, request an appointment, and a wealth of podiatry information.
BRT Laboratories, Inc.
DNA testing for the determination of paternity, immigration, relationship, and siblings. CLIA Registered forensic, p53-mutational, clinical donor confirmation and drug testing. Also semen analysis using PSA.
Clinical Trials for Baltimore, Maryland
Provides information on clinical trials currently recruiting participants.
Dr. James E. Vogel
Hair transplants, liposuction, breast augmentation and facial cosmetic surgery are the specialties of the practice. Before and after photos described with prices.
Fellowship House
Offering a residential treatment program to adults with major mental illness, dual diagnoses, and eating disorders, promoting independence within a supportive, structured environment.
Glenn Brynes, PhD, MD
Northern County Psychiatric Associates, treating adults and family members dealing with AD/HD and related disorders.
Gynemed Surgi-Center
Progressive, state-of-the-art women's health care center, providing obstetrical and gynecological services, including abortion.
Health Care for the Homeless, Inc
Provides health-related services, education and advocacy to reduce the incidence and burdens of homelessness.
JHU Division of Arthritis Surgery
The definitive library of information on knee and hip replacement for patients and physicians, including who to see for treatment.
Maryland Urology Associates
Offering complete urologic care.
Mind and Body
A physical wellness center offering pilates, physical therapy for sports and occupational injuries, massage, acupuncture, and yoga from licensed professionals. Includes fees, staff, services, and classes.
National Institute
The National Institute for the Study, Prevention and Treatment of Sexual Trauma. Provides professional care for victims, and for those with sexual and related disorders, including offenders.
Podiatry Associates, P.A.
Offering full podiatry services in various offices in the area.
Renee Hammel, Certified Massage Therapist
Offers massage therapy at locations in White Marsh and Middle River, MD. Includes services and pricing by location.
Seneca Women's Health Care
A clinic offering a full range of reproductive health care, including abortion and advanced contraception.
Senior Helpers
Provides in home professional caregivers to senior citizens. Serving greater Baltimore and surrounding counties.
The Benefits Resource Center
Offers assistance, counseling, information, and referral for people with disabilities, primarily in the Baltimore metropolitan area.
The Center For Anti-Aging Medicine & Cosmetic
Offers dietary and nutritional advice, skin rejuvenation products and surgical procedures. Includes staff profiles and online shopping.
The Johns Hopkins Breast Center
Objective is to reduce the mortality and morbidity of breast cancer by providing patient education for all patients being treated for this disease.
The Orthopaedic Specialty Center
Orthopaedic specialists and detailed information on various procedures.
UMBC Emergency Health Services
Continued education courses at the University of Maryland, Baltimore County. Includes course descriptions and dates.
Valerie Lankford, Licensed Professional Clinical C
Helps people to think and be effective while having strong feelings.
The Youth Urban Health Information Project is a health education web site for teens which links them to friendly health resources in their neighborhoods, answers sexual health questions and provides a space where youth can share art, poetry and words of advice with one another.
You Are Never Alone (YANA)
Non-profit organization providing health care services to women involved in prostitution.