english deutsch
Archbishop Curley High School
A Catholic Fransiscan high school. Information about dual credit courses offered, faculty, guidance, students and sports.
Boys' Latin School of Maryland
Founded in 1854, is the oldest private, non-sectarian school in the state. Information includes admissions, academic calendar, sports programs, campus information, and programs of the middle and lower schools.
Bryn Mawr School
A college preparatory school for girls in grades K-12 and a coed preschool. Information about school history, faculty, admissions, curriculum and alumnae.
Calvert Hall College High School
A college preparatory school whose mission is the education of young men from diverse backgrounds in the Lasallian tradition.
Cardinal Shehan School
A Catholic pre-kindergarten thru 8th grade school. Offers student and teacher resources, admissions, and contact details.
Friends School of Baltimore
An independent, coeducational, college preparatory day school serving over 975 students age 4 through grade 12. Affiliated with the Religious Society of Friends (Quakers). Admissions, academics and athletics, alumni, and events calendar are featured.
Institute of Notre Dame
Catholic all-girl college preparatory high school.
Mercy High School
A Catholic women's college preparatory school for grades 9 through 12, sponsored by the Sisters of Mercy, Baltimore. Site provides insight into the history, curriculum, clubs and activities, news and events.
New Mark of Excellence Schools, The
Providing quality Christian education from nursery to grade twelve. Utilizes the Abeka Curriculm for its college preparatory program.
Our Lady of Victory School
A private K-8 Catholic school which also offers a nursery and pre-K program. Includes tuition, registration, faculty and staff, curriculum, and calendar.
Roland Park Country School
A college preparatory K-12 school for girls that offers information about admissions, student life, and its alumni.
Seton Keough High School
Catholic college preparatory school for young women. Includes its history, academic and athletic programs, events calendar, and contact details.
St. Agnes School
A private K-8 Catholic school which also offers a nursery and pre-K program. Includes tuition, registration, faculty and staff, curriculum, and calendar.
St. John's Christian Day School
Non-profit private school offering an affordable education in a Christian environment for children from age 2 through grade 5. Find information about admissions, curriculum, programs, tuition and fees, and staff.
St. William of York School
Catholic pre-kindergarten through eighth grade school in the Archdiocese of Baltimore. Site offers information for prospective and current students, teachers and parents including class projects and curriculum.