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Blaine L. Gilbert & Associates
Offers legal services in the field of immigration law, dealing with cases involving permanent residency and non-immigrant visas. Practice areas, attorney information, and inquiry form.
Bruce M. Robinson, P.A.
Attorney offering services for personal injury, criminal defense, malpractice, Social Security claims, and workers' compensation.
Charles E. Kountz, Jr.
Baltimore general practitioner.
Cohen, Swanson & Kaufman
Attorney profiles are featured along with practice area that include commercial transactions, business reorganizations, creditors rights, bankruptcy, consumer and commercial collections, banking and finance law.
Goldman & Minton, P.C.
Provides civil litigation, intellectual property, employment law and insurance coverage services. Find information about the firm and the attorneys.
Goodman & Goodman PA
General civil practice and criminal defense law firm, based in Baltimore.
Goodman, Meagher & Enoch, LLP
Baltimore firm, with experience in virtually all types of civil and criminal legal work.
Gordon, Feinblatt, Rothman, Hoffberger & Holla
Baltimore law firm, providing solutions and personalized service for businesses, institutions and individuals.
Green Deveney LLC
A business law firm specializing in commercial real estate, corporate law, and banking law.
Kahn, Smith & Collins P.A.
Law firm concentrating in medical litigation and the representation of labor unions and their members.
Kruchko & Fries
Representats management in all phases of labor, employment and benefits law, equal employment opportunity law, wage and hour law, occupational safety and health law, and related litigation.
Law Office of Stephen A. Markey, III P.C.
Covers general litigation, serious personal injury, and medical and professional malpractice. Includes firm information, attorney profiles and practice areas.
Law Offices of Anton J.S. Keating
Baltimore attorney, representing clients for both criminal and civil matters.
Law Offices of Bonnie A. Travieso, L.L.C.
Specializes in estate planning, including assisting owners of closely-held businesses with succession planning, planned charitable giving, and the administration of estates and trusts.
Law Offices of Hessey & Hessey
Law firm concentrating its practice in the fields of domestic relations, family law matters, and estate planning and probate.
Law Offices of Nicholas J. Del Pizzo, III
Baltimore general practice, handling both civil and criminal cases.
Leslie L. Gladstone, PA
Baltimore general practice law firm.
Nancy Moran, Independent Prisoner Advocate
Promotes the well being of prisoners in Maryland and, to a limited extent, those released from prison.
Nnaka Law Offices
Baltimore general practice law firm.
Parker, Dumler & Kiely
Services for securities, business and employment litigation, insurance claims, professional negligence, and asbestos-related injury.
Shar, Rosen and Warshaw, LLC
Civil litigation and personal injury firm. Highlights include attorney profiles, practice areas, history, and contact details.
Shugarman and Mehring
Offering legal assistance for serious personal injury cases, professional malpractice, product liability, workers' compensation, and business litigation.
Simms Showers LLP
Litigation services for bankruptcy, personal injury, maritime law, intellectual property, qui tam actions, non-profit organizations, and health care.
The WBAL Channel - Legal Center
Extensive data base of Baltimore area lawyers plus tips and advice on the law.
Thurlow & Nolan
Concentrating in social security and disability law.
Walter R. Hayes
Baltimore general practice firm.