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Candidates and Campaigns
Board of Education, County Council, County Executive, Past Elections, Committee to Retain the Sitting Judges, Dorsey, Bob, Rockville City Council, Giammo, Larry, Rockville Mayor, Hall, John, Rockville City Council, Hoffmann, Susan, Rockville County Council
Democratic, Republican
Augustus Alzona
Web site of Augustus Alzona: community activist and member of the Republican Central Committee in Montgomery County, Maryland.
Citizens for Quality Living
An organization made up of civic, community, business and professional organizations and other concerned citizens established to educate area voters, opinion leaders, and candidates for public office about the pressing need to do more than study transportation and other quality-of-life issues.
Montgomery Citizens for a Safer Maryland
Group supporting the Second Amendment.
Montgomery Journal Editorial Page
Read opinion pieces and editorials about regional politics.
Neighbors for a Better Montgomery PAC
Political action committee whose purpose is to assure that citizens, not developers or other special interests, control the future of Montgomery County.
NorthEast Montgomery Political Action Committee
PAC focused on NE Montgomery County, Maryland.
Recall Montgomery County School Board
An informational site for citizens concerning the recent actions of the Montgomery County School Board to adopt new a sexual education curriculum. Site hosts the controversial MCPS sexual education video, and highlights a possible recall of board members in accordance with applicable statutes.
Teach the Facts
Promoting the new sexual education curriculum in Montgomery County public schools.