english deutsch
First Congregational Church, UCC
History of church, committees, Christian education, events calendar, music programs, youth fellowships, co-pastors page, and an email address.
Parish of the Holy Spirit
Roman Catholic Church. Location of churches, Mass and broadcast schedules, staff profiles, bulletin, church history, and statistics featured.
Pentecostal Church of Faith
Prayer request board, pastor's biography, directions, beliefs, information on Christianity, and links.
Pleasant Street United Methodist Church
Information provided about the missions, music, educational programs, youth fellowship groups, and church activities.
Saint Mark's Episcopal Church
A congregation joined together, and inspired by worship to reach out into the community.
Servants of The Blessed Sacrament
Part of the Congregation of the Sacrament Family. This is the USA Province website.
The CIRCLE: Colby College
The Collective for Insight, Refuge, and Celebration of Life Experience is open to Colby College students and community members. Site includes an interesting list of divination, eastern religion, and pagan links.