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Chiropractic USA
Offering patient and community education. Includes office hours and location.
Dr. McDonald's Office
A site for Doctor Dale E. McDonald a dentist in Davenport Iowa specializing in Family Dentisry where we Catering to Cowards and provide the highest quality dental care.
Dr. Zemelka's Chiropractic Information Center
Includes doctor's profile, details of services provided and location.
Handicapped Development Center
A non-profit organization consolidating programs previously operated by: Scott County Sheltered Workshop, Scott County Association for Retarded Children (Citizens), Scott County Council for the Handicapped, and the Scott County Society for Crippled Children and Adults. Davenport, IA.
Vera French Community Mental Health Center
Description of facility, services and programs which include outpatient, case management, milieu, supportive employment, community support, residential and inpatient. Service provision for residents in eastern Iowa and western Illinois.