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Anderson, Agostino & Keller, PC
Offering services for personal injury, family law, bankruptcy, estate planning and administration, onstruction, entertainment, and employment matters.
Edward P. Benchik
Services for business law and civil litigation.
Foley and Small
A law firm representing injured clients and their families for matters including wrongful death, slip and fall and product liability claims with information on the attorneys, staff, area of practices and contacts.
Heppenheimer & Korpal, P.C.
Includes history, member profiles, services, and contact information.
Konopa, Reagan & Kenyon, P.C.
A law firm, offering services in the areas of litigation and appeals, dispute resolution, personal injury, business litigation, civil litigation defense, and insurance bad faith.
Sweeney Law Firm
Personal injury firm with offices in South Bend and Fort Wayne.
Sweeney, Pfeifer, Morgan & Stesiak
A law firm, offering services in the areas of personal injury and professional malpractice law.