Bayswater Homeowner Association
Community resources and information. Includes board meeting minutes, covenant documents and upcoming events.
Chatham Arch Neighborhood
A neighborhood organization with information on area, membership, activities, theatres, photographs and contacts.
Cherry Lake Homeowners Association
An association with information on events, crime watch, newsletter and contacts.
Cottage Home Neighborhood
An association located just east of downtown with information on the organization, block party, calendar of events, history and contacts.
Crooked Creek Community
A group of associations with information on members, news, crime watch, merchants, classifieds and contacts.
Crooked Creek West Homeowners' Association
An association in Pike Township with information on news, resources and contacts.
Crystal Pointe Neighborhood
An information resource for the residents of Crystal Pointe with information on covenants, newsletters, gallery, forum and contacts.
A neighborhood association on the south side with information on events, services, forum and neighbors.
Fountain Square
Information about this historic neighborhood. Includes information on duckpin bowling, the Fountain Square Theater, and the Fountain Room diner.
Garden City Civic Association, Inc.
Offers calendar, staff, local links and contacts.
Herron Morton Place Association
A neighborhood organization with information on the area history, gallery, and contacts.
Indianapolis Neighborhood Resource Center
A private non-profit organization to provide the information and assistance to neighborhood organizations.
Irvington Community Council
Offers a voice on issues such as public services and zoning and works.
Keystone-Monon Neighborhood Partnership
A neighborhood group with information on boundaries, membership, mission and contacts.
Lockerbie Square
Information on this historic part of town including committees, membership, Riley Home, maps and contacts.
Northern Estates Homeowners Association
Community resources and information. Includes event calendar, newsletter, membership information and a link to the related Kessler Greene association.
University Heights Beghtel Neighborhood Associatio
Provides information on and help with life in the neighborhood.