english deutsch
Ancient Accepted Scottish Rite
A club that serves to strengthen the community.
A Machintosh users group that offers links to member web pages, meeting information, discussion boards and e-mail lists, and links.
Broad Ripple Chapter No.315
Masonic lodge information; photos, officer list, and related links.
Calvin W. Prather Lodge 717
Meets on the 1st Thursday, 7:00 PM. Officers, calendar and general Masonic information.
Central Indiana Mensa
A group of American Mensa. Includes meeting information, committee members, newsletters, and photo gallery.
Central Indiana Wilderness Club
Activities include hiking, bicycling, camping, canoeing, skiing, and spelunking. Offers schedule and membership information.
Centre Masonic Lodge No. 23
Meets on the 1st Wednesday, 7:30 PM. Officers, photos, map and calendar.
Circle City Aquarium Club
An aquarium club that believes in promoting education of both hobbyists and the public, stimulating interest in the hobby and environmental awareness and action.
Circle City Corvette Club
Non profit automobile club exclusively for Corvette owners and enthusiasts.
Circle City Ferret Club
Educates the public about ferrets and provides rescue and adoption services. Information on how to help, ferrets available for adoption, and contact details.
Five Seasons Sports Country Club
Offering dining, sports, fitness, banquets and spa.
Friendly Interludes, LLP
An organization of single professional people with information on membership, calendar, charter and contacts.
Habitat for Humanity of Greater Indianapolis
Joins with low-income families and other community partners to provide home ownership opportunities. Includes profile, information about church and faith, donations, sponsorship, volunteers, with virtual tour and FAQ.
Hoosier Backgammon Club
Local information, results, and tournament rules.
Hoosier DX and Contest Club
An Indianapolis club specializing in working contests, chasing worldwide DX, and supporting DXpeditions.
Indianapolis Bonsai Club
Included are the club's annual calendar, member's gallery, and links to related resources.
Indianapolis Bridge Center
Offers duplicate bridge games every day. Presents the schedule of games and lessons, results, a partnership desk and a newsletter.
Indianapolis Carmel Experimenters
A Ham radio club with information on the club, repeaters, meetings and contacts.
Indianapolis Coin Club Home Page
An education based, non-profit organization dedicated to the hobby of numismatics with information on meetings, links, newsletters, club photos and contacts.
Indianapolis Computer Society
Includes meeting dates and times, missions and contacts.
Indianapolis Firefighters ' Emerald Society
Photos of the society in regalia, annual statistics, and news.
Indianapolis Jaycees
Includes mailing list signup, member resources, and community project information.
Indianapolis Sailing Club
Located on Geist with information on history, club, membership and contacts.
Indianapolis Shell Club
Organization for fans of shells and shell collecting.
Indianapolis Yoga Club
Offering hatha yoga public classes as well as private and corporate classes at home, work or the studio.
Indy Dog & Disc Club
A club that sponsors competitions, training clinics and play sessions. Site includes rules, calendar and results.
Indy Film Buffs
A club for enthusiasts and casual viewers. Attend screenings, events, and marathons.
Indy Miata Club
Includes membership information, tutorials, and newsletter.
Internet Chess
Classic games of skill and strategy providing game and instructional links.
Meridian Hills Country Club
Information on membership, dining, golf, tennis, swimming and contacts.
Millersville Masonic Lodge 126
Meets on the 1st Tuesday, 7:30 PM. History, officers, calendar and more.
Monon Railroad Historical Technical Society
Railroad historical society focusing on the CIL, also known as the Monon (MON), which was merged into the L&N Railroad in 1971.
Mustang Club
A regional chapter of the Mustang Club of America and annually hosts a major show and swap meet. Recognizes all years and models.
National Interfraternity Conference
National headquarters of a federation of 67 men's national and international fraternities.
National Model Railroad Association
Offers information on the Indianapolis layouts with information on the organization, other Indiana layouts and contacts.
Northside Mothers of Twins Club
Includes a message forum to discuss problems and solutions for parenting multiples, a club newsletter, meeting and event info, and an area to buy and sell.
Northside Optimists
Local citizens working together to provide ever-expanding service to youth, the community and the world. Meeting information, membership details, calendar of events, history, and projects.
Scottish Society of Indianapolis, Inc.
Includes contact information, meeting schedule, membership information, and special events.
Scout Band
Crossroads of America Council Scout Band, includes program information, tour notes, and contacts.
Skyline Club
A private business dining club.
Southport Masonic Lodge No. 270
Meets on the 1st Monday, 7:00 PM. History, officers, trestleboard and map.
SouthSide Mustangs
Group of mostly late-model Mustang enthusiasts, meeting for cruises. Site includes photos of recent events, plus info on members' cars.
The Columbia Club
Offers Four dining rooms,guestrooms, suites, conference facilities, and a complete fitness center.
The Original Circle City Corvette Club
Contains an overview of the club, photo gallery, news, and events calendar.
The Riviera Club
A private social and recreational club.
Welcome! Keystone Lodge No. 251
Meets on the 1st Monday, 7:30 PM; Dinner at 6:30 PM. Newsletter, officers, calendar and contact information.