Almega/Tru-Flex, Inc.
Specialize in building power supply cords, wiring harnesses, and leads.
Bremen Ford - Mercury Inc
New and used vehicle dealer. Includes information on new models, used vehicle warranties, location, hours of operation and events.
Copperfield Inc.
Specializes in fabricating and extruding of copper for a variety of insulated wire applications.
Digger Specialties, Inc.
Specializes in maintenance free polyvinyl fence systems, polyrail railing and poly decking.
E.T. Products Co., Inc.
Manufacturer and marketer of gasoline and diesel fuel additives and heavy duty lubricants.
Graphix Unlimited
Offers screen printing, die cutting, automotive striping, and special effect applications.
Indiana Carton Company
A leader in stock and promotional bakery packaging.
Midwest Lumber and Dimension
Supplier of quality lumber and dimension products.
Saddle Shop
Equestrian western saddles and used saddles. Online ordering and full tack store.