Bloomington Local News:
Local, regional, and statewide news collected from diverse sources on the web.
Community Access Television Services
Local public television station operated by the Public Library. Offers three channels featuring public, government and international broadcasts and includes information, services and program listings.
Green Dove Web Magazine
Peace activist news magazine featuring nuclear shorts, calendar of peace events, classifieds, art and poetry, local food and essays.
Hoosier Times
The online version of the Herald-Times. Provides community, national and world news as well as classifieds and opinions.
Indiana Daily Student
University student newspaper. Includes student,local, national and world articles as well as local information, weather and upcoming community events.
IU Home Pages
Biweekly newspaper for faculty and staff members at Indiana University's eight campuses.
The North Star
A high school newspaper. Includes student, school and community news as well as opinions, polls, and staff contact information.
WFHB Firehouse Radio
Community radio station in Bloomington playing a large variety of music from jazz to world to Americana. Also broadcasting online through Windows Media Player or RealPlayer.
WFIU Radio
Public Radio Serving the State of Indiana from Indiana University, Bloomington
WTTS - 92.3 FM
Rock format radio station. Includes upcoming concerts and events, a V.I.P section, and broadcast personality profiles.