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10-10 International, Steel City Chapter of
Focuses on support for the 10-meter amateur band (28.0-29.7 MHz). Site provides area news, events, officials, and resources.
Chicago Area Radio Monitoring Association (CARMA)
Supports the interest in the hobby of radio scanner monitoring and shortwave listening. Site offers news, membership details, events calendar, and meeting locations.
Chicago Suburban Radio Association (CSRA)
Promoting the ham radio and amateur radio enthusiasts since 1924. Offers news, history, events, and contacts. Affiliated with the American Radio Relay League (ARRL).
Metro Amateur Radio Club (MAC)
Provides north suburban and city ham radio enthusiasts with a list of activities, meetings, photos, tours and contacts. ARRL-affiliated club and member of the Illinois Repeater Association.
Motorola Amateur Radio Club (MARC) - Illinois Chap
Portal for three area clubs: Schaumburg (K9MOT), Arlington Heights (KE9MOT), and Libertyville (KM0TO). Site provides the history, club calendar, upcoming events, station and repeater guide, and officer contacts.
North Shore Radio Club (NS9RC)
Provides area hobbyists with information, news, events, photos and contacts. Affiliated with American Radio Relay League (ARRL).
Northern Illinois DX Association (NIDXA)
Provides resources and news for local DX listeners. Hosts of the W9 Incoming QSL bureau, a DX Packet Cluster, and the W9DXCC convention.
Six Meter Club of Chicago (K9ONA)
Focuses on the 6 meter band, a portion of the radio spectrum around 50 MHz allocated to amateur radio. Provides an annual hamfest event, club activities listing, by-laws, and contacts. Special service club of the ARRL and member of the Illinois Repeater Association.
Suburban Amateur Repeater Association (SARA)
Showcases membership information and events schedule including VE testing, club activities, and offers several discussion forums. Offers two repeater frequencies.
Suburban Technical Amateur Radio System (STARS)
An amateur radio club based in south suburban Chicago since 1976. Showcases history, frequencies, activities and events. An ARRL affiliated club and Illinois Repeater Association member.
Western Area FM Amateur Repeater (WAFAR) Club
Covering the area with 2-meter, 220 MHz and 440 MHz repeaters. Showcases area news, VE exam schedule, links, resources, and association by-laws.
York Radio Club (W9PCS)
Western suburbs group that meets in Elmhurst. Showcases local personalities, activities, field day, free classes, and discussion forum.