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Chicago Angling & Casting Club, Chicago Area Bass Fishing Club, Chicago Area Paddling/Fishing Pages, Chicago Fishing Guide, Chicago Fishing Links, Chicagoland Bank Anglers, ChicagolandFishing.com, ChiTown-Angler.com, Chuck's Midwest Angler, Elliott Donnelley Chapter of Trout Unlimited (EDTU
Chicago Aquanauts Scuba Association
A not-for-profit Chicago area dive club dedicated to the promotion and instruction of safe, sane and fun scuba diving. Dive classes held throughout the year.
Chicago Area Orienteering Club
Offers an introduction to orienteering, meetings and events calendar, training, newsletters, contacts and related links.
Chicagoland Fishing, Hunting, Travel & Outdoor
Listings of special events and seminars.
Into The Outdoors
Commercial fishing and hunting guide to Northeastern Illinois and Southern Wisconsin.