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Society for Creative Anachronism (SCA) - Carraig B
Offering medieval re-enactments and living history programs in and around the greater DeKalb area. Features events calendar, location maps and contact information.
Society for Creative Anachronism (SCA) - Grey Garg
Centers around Hyde Park and south side Chicago and features news, events and features for members and guests of the University of Chicago chapter that is open to the general public.
Society for Creative Anachronism (SCA) - Rokkeheal
Providing southwestern Chicago suburbs with living history programs and events on the Middle Ages. Highlights include events calendar, practices, discussion forum, and contact details.
Society for Creative Anachronism (SCA) - Vanished
Local SCA branch for the northwestern and western suburbs of Chicago. Features an events calendar, newsletter, and resources for re-enactments of the Medieval period.
Society for Creative Anarchronism (SCA) - Ravensla
Features Middle Ages events and programs for Lake and McHenry Counties. Provides an events calendar, meeting locations, and related links to Middle Kingdom and Midlands Region.