english deutsch
Adams Elementary School
Teacher home pages, school history, staff information.
Amity Elementary School
Teacher home pages, school history.
Bishop Kelly High School
Catholic school for grades 9-12. Information about academics, athletics, and registration form.
Boise Evening School
Offers classes leading to a high school diploma. Class list and enrollment information.
Boise High School
Home of the Braves. History, news, activities.
Boise, Idaho School District
Independent School District #001 of Boise City.
Booth Memorial School
Alternative high school offering counseling and child care classes as well as traditional instruction.
Borah High School
Information about academics, clubs, reunions, sports, and faculty.
Capital High School
Home of the Eagles. Schedule, newsletter, programs and departments.
Cecil Andrus Elementary School
Information about each classroom and calendar. Grades K-5.
Centennial High School
Faculty list, calendar, and information about clubs. Grades 9-12.
Cole Elementary School
Teacher home pages, school history.
Collister Elementary School
History, newsletter, and information about the PTO. Grades K-6.
Cynthia Mann Elementary School
School policies, schedule, and faculty list. Grades 1-6.
Donnell School of the Arts
The first magnet school, and first art-based elementary school, in the state of Idaho. The school serves students in grades K through 6, with a student body that is selected by lottery.
East Junior High School
Home of the Hornets. School information, class schedule, faculty and student pages.
Eliza Hart Spalding Elementary School
Information about each classroom. Grades K-5.
Fairmont Junior High School
Teacher list and contact information and school history. Grades 7-9.
Fort Boise Learning Center
Contact information.
Foundations Academy
Christian classical education for K-12.
Franklin Elementary School
Teacher pages and school history.
Frontier Elementary
Information about each classroom and resource links. Preschool through fifth grade.
Garfield Elementary School
Teacher pages, school history, and information about the technology center. Grades 1-6.
Hawthorne Elementary School
Teacher pages and school history.
Highlands Elementary School
PTO information. Preschool through sixth grade.
Hillcrest Elementary School
School history and teacher pages.
Hillside Junior High School
Staff list and contact information, history, and office pages.
Horizon Elementary School
History, teacher pages, staff e-mail directory.
Jackson Elementary School
Staff pages, school activities, and handbook available. Preschool through sixth grade.
Jefferson Elementary School
Links for kids and parents, school supply lists, and information about the PTA. Grades 1-6.
Joplin Elementary
Information about each classroom. Grades K-5.
Koelsch Elementary School
Faculty contact information, supply lists, calendar, and schedule. Grades K-6.
Lake Hazel Elementary School
Information about each classroom and calendar. Grades K-5.
Lake Hazel Middle School
Information about staff and sports. Grades 6-8.
Les Bois Junior High School
Faculty list and map.
Liberty Elementary School
Faculty contact information, teacher pages, school history, and PTA information. Grades K-6.
Longfellow Elementary School
Newsletter, teacher pages, and school history. Grades K-6.
Lowell Elementary School
Teacher pages, history, and library information. Grades K-6.
Lowell Scott Middle School
Information about each classroom and calendar. Grades 6-8.
Madison Elementary School
Teacher pages and school history. Grades K-6.
Maple Grove Elementary School
Teacher pages and school history. Preschool through sixth grade.
McKinley Elementary School
School history and teacher pages.
McMillan Elementary School
Information about each classroom. Grades K-5.
Monroe Elementary School
Teacher pages and school history.
Mountain Cove High School
History, teacher and student pages.
Mountain View Elementary School
Newsletter, school history, teacher pages, and lunch menu.
North Junior High School
Calendar, schedule, school policies, library information, and student handbook. Grades 7-9.
Owyhee Elementary School
Information about each classroom, staff list, newsletter, and information about special programs. Grades K-6.
Pierce Park Elementary School
Newsletter and school history.
Pioneer Elementary School
Information about each classroom. Grades K-5 year-round.
River Stone Community School
Private day school. Grades K-9.
Riverglen Junior High School
Teacher contact information, school history, and library information. Grades 7-9.
Riverside Elementary School
Newsletter and school history. Grades K-6.
Roosevelt Elementary School
PTA information, school history, and teacher pages.
Shadow Hills Elementary School
Teacher pages and school history. Grades K-6.
Silver Sage Elementary School
Information about each classroom. Grades K-5.
South Junior High School
Instructor pages, links.
St. Marys Catholic School
Catholic school, K-8 grades.
Summerwind Elementary School
Information about each classroom. Grades K-5.
Taft Elementary School
Teacher pages and school history. Grades K-6.
Timberline High School
Faculty contact information, sports, and academics. Grades 10-12.
Trail Wind Elementary School
Newsletter and information about staff and PTO. Grades K-6.
Ustick Elementary School
Information about each classroom, the PTO, and calendar. Grades K-5.
Valley View Elementary School
School information and calendar. Preschool through sixth grade.
Washington Elementary School
Teacher pages and school history.
West Junior High School
Teacher and student pages, school history, library information, and sports schedule. Grades 7-9.
White Pine Elementary School
Calendar, history, staff information.
Whitney Elementary School
Newsletter, staff pages and contact information, school rules, and tips for helping children read. Grades K-6.
Whittier Elementary School
Staff list, mission statement, and links. Grades K-6.