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Anderson, Julian & Hull LLP
Offering litigation services to insurance companies.
Angstman Law
Specializing in real estate, technology, class action, and corporate law.
Cosho, Humprey, Greener and Welsh, P.A.
Full service law firm serving individuals and corporations. Information about services and list of attorneys.
Davison, Copple, Copple, and Copple
General practice law firm. List of services, attorney profiles, and firm history.
Dykas & Shaver, LLP
Intellectual property firm, serving clients nationally and internationally for the preparation and prosecution of patent, trademark and copyright applications, and related licensing. Three registered patent attorneys on staff.
Elam and Burke
General practice law firm. Attorney profiles and list of services.
Evans Keane LLP
Corporate law. Additional office in Kellogg.
Givens Pursley, LLP
A full service law firm. Information includes areas of practice, list of attorneys, career opportunities, and location.
Griffard Law Offices
Criminal defense firm.
Hall Farley Oberrecht and Blanton, P.A.
Broad areas of litigation practice, including professional malpractice defense. List of attorneys and services and articles.
Harold Q. Noack Jr
Bankruptcy law, domestic relations, divorce, child custody, real estate, business, probate and personal injury cases.
Hawley Troxell Ennis & Hawley LLP
Largest law firm in Idaho, specializing in real estate, construction, environmental, employment, ERISA, litigation, business, finance, tax, and personal planning. Offices in Boise, Ketchum, and Pocatello.
Huntley, Park, Thomas, Burkett, Olsen, and William
List of partners and services.
John C. Lynn
Personal injury and employment lawyer representing employees in wrongful termination and discrimination cases.
Johnson and Lundgreen
Personal injury law firm. Serving Southwest Idaho and Eastern Oregon.
Manweiler, Trout, Manweiler & Breen
Business, construction, and criminal law.
Martens Law Offices
Offers divorce, criminal defense, bankruptcy and estate planning legal assistance.
Meuleman & Miller, LLP
Business and real estate law.
Moore Smith Buxton & Turcke
Administrative, municipal, and commercial law.
Murphy, Holzer, & Vaughan LLC
Specializing in personal injury law.
Patterson Law Offices
Services for criminal and drunk driving defense. Attorney profile and fees.
Pedersen and Company, PLLC
Intellectual property law firm specializing in domestic and foreign patent, trademark, copyright, and trade secret issues, licenses and other contracts, and litigation.
Penland Munther Goodrum
Specializing in corporate and real estate law.
Seininger Law Offices
Specializing in personal injury law.
Susan Clark Law Office
Family law and contract legal services.
Todd Law Offices
Military legal counsel.