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Diving Adventures, PADI instruction and guided tou
Custom dive tours featuring turtles, wrecks, eels, and tropical fish with PADI certified instructors.
Hakkoryu So Hombu Dojo
Teaches Hakkoryu Jujutsu and Koho Shiatsu. Includes history, techniques, and organization information.
Hawaii Dahn Center
Offers holistic health and exercise programs, including Tai Chi, meditation and yoga. Includes class schedules and a downloadable newsletter.
Hawaii Fencers Club
Location, hours and contacts, and related links from this fencing club in Honolulu.
Hawaiian Brian's Billiards
Open 24 hours a day with 39 Gold Crown pool tables, weekly tournaments, over 100 interactive video games, arcade, prize redemption center, restaurant and full service Pro Shop.
Hawaiian Fire Surf School
Safe surfing lessons offered by Honolulu Firemen at a secluded Oahu beach including information about lessons, instructors, location and tips.
Island Lacrosse Equipment
Lacrosse logo wear and equipment including Brine, Cascade, STX and Warrior brands.
Karate Kids
Offers detailed information and instruction for kids to learn about karate. Also offers on-site lessons in Honolulu.
Ko Olina Ocean Adventures
Dolphin, snorkel and scuba tours.
Kuu Huapala Fishing Co.
Sport fishing charters departing from Kewalo Boat Basin. Image gallery, moon and tide chart, rates and directions.
Lung Kong Physical Culture Club
Recreational club that teaches Kung Fu and Chinese Lion Dance. The club is also available for performances.
Magic Sportfishing
Partial and full day charter information, photo gallery, local game fish images and descriptions.
Salle Honolulu Fencing Club
Tournament results for club members and general information for a fencing club operating in Honolulu.