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Ala Moana Dental Care
General dentist: office hours, location, staff, and services information.
Cecile Sebastian, DDS
Offers a variety of procedures, techniques, and information.
Chester Naka, DDS
Cosmetic dentistry practice with practice information and case studies.
Cosmetic Dentistry Hawaii
Learn about cosmetic, implant, and restorative dentistry. Includes before and after photos, FAQs and articles.
Downtown Dental Group - Wilfred A. Miyasaki, DMD
Offers cosmetic, sedation and whitening dentistry. Includes introduction to the doctor, services provided, hours, appointment schedule, newsletter, location and contact information.
Dr. Dennis T. Nagata, D.D.S.
Specializing in aesthetic and restorative surgery. Includes seminars and contact form.
Dr. Randall Yoshida, DMD
Offering restorative and cosmetic dentistry. Includes list of services provided, location and contact information.
Jonathan C. Okabe, DDS
General dentist: office hours and location, staff and dentist, financial arrangements, and patient information.
Jonathan K.H. Lau, DDS
General and preventive dentistry: office location, hours, staff profile, services and financial arrangements.
Kometani and Associates
General dentists: background, services, and office information.
Lili Horton, D.M.D.
Orthodontic practice. Includes qualifications, description of services, and office tour.
Norman S.M. Cheung, D.D.S.
Dedicated to providing personal, comprehensive care while promoting and preserving complete oral health. Includes introduction to the doctor, general and cosmetic dentistry and contact form.
Pediatric Dental Group
Includes qualifications, list of services, frequently asked questions, and office information.
The Cosmetic Dental Center of Honolulu
Services, office, new technology procedures, and contact information.