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Denise Miyaguchi, Honolulu Clinical and Spa Massage Therapy, Shiatsu Massage Center
Ala Moana Dental Care, Cecile Sebastian, DDS, Chester Naka, DDS, Cosmetic Dentistry Hawaii, Downtown Dental Group - Wilfred A. Miyasaki, DMD, Dr. Dennis T. Nagata, D.D.S., Dr. Randall Yoshida, DMD, Jonathan C. Okabe, DDS, Jonathan K.H. Lau, DDS, Kometani and Associates
Aware Aligned Awake, Body Balance Centre, Upside-Down Dance
Aloha Laser Vision
Offers eye care and surgery in Honolulu. Includes information on Lasik, cosmetic surgery and general eye care.
Athena Clinics
Dr. Robert Peterson offers cosmetic surgery and augmentation. Provides before and after images, surgical procedure objectives and details.
CareResource Hawaii
Provides home care and community health care services.
Compassionate Counseling
Offers spiritual, educational and professional counseling for individuals, couples, families and groups. Lists profile, services and contact information.
Hale Ola Kino
Skilled nursing facility that features rehabilitation, long term care programs and respite services. Online tour, forms, employment, and contact information.
Honolulu Shriners Hospital
Specializing in surgical and rehabilitative orthopedic care and one of 22 Shriners Hospitals that provide free medical care to children. Includes contact details, admissions guidelines, background, support, and contribution information, and links.
Kahu Malama Nurses, Inc.
Private duty home care nursing. Rates, services explanation, and contact information.
Kapi'olani Health
Medical center providing health care services and programs.
Kuakini Health System
Managed health care system and facilities.
Relationship and Individual Counseling Center
Provides counseling and personal life coaching to individuals, couples and children. Facilitate a seminar for healing and growth.
St. Francis Healthcare System
Medical center and healthcare system offering comprehensive resources for all medical needs. Includes medical library links and clinical trial information.
The Queen's Medical Center
Private, non-profit acute medical care facility located in downtown Honolulu. Largest private hospital in Hawaii.
Tripler Army Medical Center
Department of Defense site with medical center information including patient information, training, and hours.