english deutsch
An exploratory analysis of Littoral Combat Ships?
Naval Postgraduate School thesis by Motale E. Efimba.
Background and Issues for Congress
CRS report by Ronald O?Rourke on LCS costs and alternatives.
Bath Iron Works LCS Fact Sheet
General Dynamics trimaran design characteristics.
Clark moving fast to develop versatile combat ship
US Navy Chief of Naval Operations Admiral Vern Clark outlines need for the LCS.
General Dynamics Advanced Information Systems
Open-architecture based Core Mission System design and integration for the General Dynamics LCS design.
General Dynamics Littoral Combat Ship Team
Trimaran hull LCS design.
Global Security
Overview, history, background and LCS designs.
Littoral Combat Ship
News and project information at Naval Technology.
Littoral Combat Ship Sensors Pose Integration Chal
Article on the effort required to network the LCS with onboard and offboard sensors by Sandra I. Erwin
Lockheed Martin LCS
Semi-planing monohull LCS design.
Lockheed Martin team unveils baseline 3 design
Press release with details on Lockheed Martin's semi-planing monohull LCS design.
Logistical Analysis of the Littoral Combat Ship
David D. Rudko's Naval Postgraduate School thesis on the supply constraints of previous small high speed ships in US Navy service.
Naval Concept Development
US Navy study on the Concept of Operations for the LCS.
Naval Transformation and the Littoral Combat Ship
Robert O. Work of the Center for Strategic and Budgetary Assessments on the small combatant in networked naval warfare.
Navy Announces Flight 0 Littoral Combat Ship Contr
Lockheed Martin and General Dynamics have been chosen to submit detailed designs and possibly build up to two prototype LCS each.
Navy DD(X) and LCS Ship Acquisition Programs
CRS report by Ronald O'Rourke on congressional options.
Navy plans need to allow enough time to demonstrat
GAO report recommends that selection of a Flight 1 design be delayed until after experiments with the Flight 0 prototypes.
Navy sails into untested waters
US Navy's ambitious plans for the LCS raises concerns from some members of Congress.
Navy/Industry International Dialogue
US Navy powerpoint briefings on different aspects of the LCS program.
Sea Blade
The original name for Lockheed Martin's LCS design and speculation on why it was dropped.
Small Combat Ships and the Future of the Navy
Center for Strategic and Budgetary Assessments study by Robert O. Work.
Transcript of Flight 0 contracts press conference
Navy announcement and press questions about contracts to design and possibly build prototype LCS.
U.S. Navy Littoral Stealth Combat Ships
Popular mechanics reviews the three designs selected by the US Navy in the summer of 2003 to compete for a final design selection in 2004.
US Navy Littoral Combat Ship
The LCS will be a modular high speed surface ship designed to engage enemy mines, submarines and small ships.