english deutsch
USS Dixie (AD-14) Reunion Association
Ship history, reunion information, sea stories, memorabilia.
USS Klondike (AR-22)
Ship's history, and narrative with photos of Warren Willis' life onboard.
USS Puget Sound (AD-38)
MSN Group with ship histories, photos, crew roster, and message boards.
USS Shenandoah (AD-44)
Features news, reunions and events, surveys, message board, memorials, photo gallery, and articles from the Tough Tender, which was commissioned August 15, 1983 and decommissioned September 13, 1995.
USS Tidewater (AD-31/AS-30)
Destroyer tender commishioned right after WWII.
USS Yellowstone (AD-41)
Dedicated to the USS. Yellowstone and includes information on AD-2, AD-27 and AD-41. Ship photos and updated histories are available.