english deutsch
Nitro/Suribachi Class Ammunition Ships, USS Chara (AKA-58/AE-31), USS Flint (AE-32), USS Nitro (AE-2/AE-23) Association, USS Pyro (AE-1, AE-24), USS Rainier (AE-5), USS Rainier (AE-5), USS Suribachi (AE-21), USS Wrangell (AE-12)
Light, Vehicle, Scott's WWII Web Site - USS BETELGEUSE AK-28, Scott's WWII Web Site - USS LIBRA AK-53, USS Altair (AKS-32), USS Betelguese AK (FBM) 260 Reunion Association, USS Cassiopeia (AK-75), USS Pollux (AKS-2/AKS-4)
Communications Relay
USS Arlington (AGMR-2), USS Arlington (AGMR-2)
USS Keystone State
USS Surfbird
High Speed Vessel
Computerworld: New Navy Vessel's Revolutionar, DC Military: HSV-2 proving to be prototype for lit, DC Military: Westpac continues to move large shipm, Defend America: High Speed Naval Vessel Surfs Afri, DefenseLINK: Navy Shows Off Next-Generation Vessel, High Speed Vessel 2 SWIFT, HSV 4676 WestPac Express, HSV at GlobalSecurity, HSV makes port in S. Korea, offloads Marines for t, Inside the Navy: Marines Getting Good Results With
The USS Hope, USS Relief (AH-1), USS Repose (AH-16), USS Sanctuary (AH-17)
Missile Range Instrumentation
USS Observation Island, Naval Vessel Registrar
Net Laying
USS Mulberry, Naval Vessel Registrar, Naval Vessel Registrar
Ocean Surveillance
USNS Impeccable, Naval Vessel Registrar
Fast Combat Support, Gasoline Tanker, Replenishment, Transport, USNS Rappahannock (T-AO-204), USS Allagash (AO-97), USS Ashtabula (AO-51), USS Caliente (AO-53), USS Canisteo (AO-99), USS Elokomin (AO-55), USS Escambia (AO-80), USS Guadalupe (AO-32), USS Kaskaskia (AO27) Reunion Association, USS Kennebec (AO-36)
Aircraft, Battle Damage, Cable, Small, USS Ajax, USS Dionysus (AR-21), USS Hector (AR-7), USS Klondike (AD/AR-22), USS Otus (ARG-20), William J. Campbell, Jr.
Submarine, USS Brunswick, Naval Vessel Registrar
Environmental, Oceanographic, Submarine, Surveying, Technical
Lifting, USS Grapple (ARS-53), USS Grasp (ARS-51), USS Salvor (ARS-52)
Self-Propelled Barracks
USS Benewah (APB-35)
Combat, Naval Vessel Registrar, Naval Vessel Registrar
Aviation Logistics, Deep Submergence
Destroyer, Patrol, Salvage, Seaplane, Submarine
Scott's WWII Web Site - U.S.S. CRESCENT CITY , Scott's WWII Web Site - USS PRESIDENT JACKSON, USS Bexar (APA-237), USS Thomas Stone (AP-59/APA-29), USS West Point
US Navy Harbor Tug Boats, USNS Sioux (T-ATF-171), USS Lipan (ATF-85), USS Nipmuc (ATF-157) Association
Navy Survey Ship (AGS) Designator Listing
Numeric listing of Navy AGS (Survey)ships; AGS 1 - AGS 65, including two early survey ships AG-1 (Hannibal) and AG-2 (Bushnell) and Navy Icebreakers AGB-1 - AGB-5. Links and notes on history and disposition.
USNS Flyer (T-AG-178)
USNS Flyer (T-AG-178) Flyer - ex SS American Flyer, ex SS Water Witch. C2-S-B1 type. Bathymetric survey ship.
USNS Kingsport (T-AG-164)
Survey ship and first satellite communications ship. VC2-S-AP3 type Victory ship built as Kingsport Victory (T-AK-239).
USS Albacore (AGSS-569)
Privately operated submarine museum.
USS Coronado (AGF-11)
Designated the command ship for the Commander, United States Third Fleet. Homeported San Diego, CA. Overview and news stories.
USS Glacier (AGB-4) Association
Former shipmates of the only remaining Ice Breaker afloat of the original U. S. Navy Ice Breaker Fleet.
USS Mt McKinley Association (AGC-7)
Dedicated to preserving the history and memory of a great Navy amphibious command ship, agroup of sailors, and marines.
USS Oxford (AG-159/AGTR1)
USS Sylvania (AFS-2) and (AKA-44)
Official site for both ships of this name.