english deutsch
Detachment 002, California State University at San
Photos, staff biographies, and scholarship details.
Detachment 005, Auburn University
Information about alumni, courses, events and topics relating to the Air Force.
Detachment 012, Samford University
Staff biographies, course information, and detachment history.
Detachment 025, Arizona State University
News, events calendar, staff directory, and cadet pages.
Detachment 027, Northern Arizona University
Staff biographies, events calendar, news, and class details.
Detachment 035, California State University, Fresn
General overview, alumni roster, and cadet files.
Detachment 040, Loyola Marymount
Course overviews, photos, cadet files, and staff biographies.
Detachment 075, San Diego
Staff biographies, cadet pages, alumni roster, and event details.
Detachment 090, Colorado State
Scholarship details, FAQ, and staff biographies.
Detachment 130, Howard University
News, overview, scholarship details, and staff biographies.
Detachment 145, Florida State University
Overview, staff biographies, course details, and message board.
Detachment 150, University of Florida
FAQ, requirements, photos, academic program, forms, biographies, and alumni database.
Detachment 157, Embry Riddle
Events calendar, FAQ, staff biographies, and course details.
Detachment 160, University of Georgia
News, staff listing, and cadet files.
Detachment 195, Illinois Institute of Technology
Course details, staff biographies, photos, and cadet files.
Detachment 195, Illinois Institute of Technology D
Official drill team Web page. Team information and events.
Detachment 205, Southern Illinois University
Overview, and cadet files.
Detachment 207, St. Louis University
Detachment history, alumni roster, photos, and cadet files.
Detachment 215, Indiana University
Staff directory, scholarship details, FAQ, course details, and cadet photos and stories.
Detachment 218, Indiana State University
Scholarship details, photos, FAQ, and cadet files.
Detachment 220, Purdue
Information on joining AFROTC, and internal information for current cadets and alumni.
Detachment 250, Iowa State University
Staff biographies, cadet files, and scholarship details.
Detachment 270, Kansas State
History of AF ROTC at K-State, information on programs and scholarships, and profile of the cadet wing.
Detachment 290 University of Kentucky
ROTC information, Air Force scholarships and other college money opportunities.
Detachment 305, Louisiana Tech University
Overview, cadet files, and photos.
Detachment 311, Grambling State University
Overview, FAQ, and scholarship details.
Detachment 330, University of Maryland at College
Serving AFROTC students in the Washington-Baltimore area.
Detachment 355, Boston University
AF links, alumni data and AFROTC and cadet information.
Detachment 365, Massachusetts Institute of Technol
Events calendar, cadet files, and staff biographies.
Detachment 370, University of Massachusetts at Amh
Detailed information on AF ROTC training, careers, and scholarship opportunities, as well as cadet activities and programs.
Detachment 380, Michigan State University
Cadet guide, staff biographies, photos, and details about drill team and scholarships.
Detachment 400, Michigan Technological
Overview, FAQ, photos, and cadet files.
Detachment 425, Mississippi State University
Information about the unit, FAQ, and related material for current, former and prospective members.
Detachment 485, Rutgers University
FAQ, staff biographies, and curriculum details.
Detachment 505, New Mexico State University
Course pages, FAQ, scholarship details, and cadet files.
Detachment 520, Cornell University
Staff biographies, photos, and program overview.
Detachment 535, Syracuse University
Scholarship details, photos, staff biographies, events calendar, and cadet files.
Detachment 536, Clarkson University
Commander's corner, staff directory, calendar, and photos.
Detachment 538, Rochester Institute of Technology
Staff biographies, and cadet files.
Detachment 550, Rensselaer Polytechnic
Staff biographies, events calendar, and cadet files.
Detachment 560, Manhattan College
Staff biographies, event calendar, photos, and cadet files.
Detachment 585, Duke University
Overview, scholarship details, photos, and staff biographies.
Detachment 590, UNC Chapel Hill
Staff biographies, photos, alumni database, academic information, and cadet corps details.
Detachment 592, UNC Charlotte
Includes information about AAS and the squadron, events calendar and service hours completed.
Detachment 595, North Carolina State
Directory, course details, news, FAQ, and alumni area.
Detachment 620, Bowling Green State University
Staff directory, events calendar, and cadet files.
Detachment 630, Kent State University
Cadet photos and files, and staff biographies.
Detachment 640, Miami University, Ohio
Overview, scholarship details, FAQ, and course details.
Detachment 645, Ohio State
Calendar of events along with detailed information on the ROTC organization.
Detachment 650, Ohio University
Staff biographies, news, detachment history, course details, and cadet files.
Detachment 665, University of Cincinnati
List of cadets, photo gallery, and newsletter.
Detachment 670, Oklahoma State University
Announcements, staff biographies, and cadet files.
Detachment 670, Oklahoma State University
Reference site for cadets in the area of Drill and Ceremony.
Detachment 685, Oregon State
Alumni profiles, FAQ, photos, and staff biographies.
Detachment 720, Pennsylvania State
Cadet files, alumni roster, and detachment history.
Detachment 752, Wilkes University
FAQ, staff biographies, photos, alumni roster, and cadet files.
Detachment 770, Clemson University
Courses, schedules and general interest items relating to the AFROTC program.
Detachment 780, South Dakota
Program overview, staff listing, and scholarship details.
Detachment 805, Texas A&M University
Detachment history, photos, and cadet files.
Detachment 810, Baylor University
Photos, alumni newsletter, and scholarship details.
Detachment 840, Texas State University
Staff listing, photos, and cadet files.
Detachment 847, Angelo State University
Staff directory, events listing, and information about scholarships.
Detachment 855, Brigham Young University
Scholarship and commissioning opportunities,calendar, curriculum, cadre, and activities.
Detachment 915, West Virginia University
Provides information about the opportunities in Air Force ROTC at West Virginia University Detachment 915
Detachment 925, University of Wisconsin at Madison
Details on the different students involved in many different aspects of university and AFROTC life.
Official Air Force ROTC site
Scholarships and program information for individuals interested in ROTC information.