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Foreign Relations, Judiciary, About the Senate Committee System, Committee and Subcommittee Assigments, Committee and Subcommittee Membership, Committee Assignments, Committee Jurisdictions, U.S. Congress Joint Committee on Printing, U.S. Congress Joint Committee on Taxation, U.S. Congress Joint Committee on the Library, U.S. Congress Joint Economic Committee, U.S. Senate Agriculture, Nutrition and Forestry Co
Former Senators Announce Opposition to Iraq Invasi, Former Senators Oppose Cuban Embargo - May 2002, Listen To This Voice, New York Times: "The Business of Persuasion T, Senator Baker, Howard --- Ambassador to Japan, Senator Boren, David --- President of University o, Senator Braun, Carol Moseley --- Candidate for Pre, Senator Dole, Bob --- The Official Bob Dole Websit, Senator Glenn, John --- John Glenn Institute, Senator Hart, Gary
American Center for Law and Justice: Judicial Nomi, American Thinker: Judicial nominee filibusters and, Associated Press: Bush Sends Senate 20 Judicial No, Briefing on Filibuster and Cloture, CBN News: Majority Leader Bill Frist Speaks on Sen, CBN News: Stemming the Tide of Judicial Activism, Clode's Political Dictionary: the Guillotine, CNS News: Owen Re-nomination Passes Senate Judicia, Committee for Justice, Confirm Them
Congressional Biographical Directory, Hostile Witnesses, Huey Long from PBS, Impeachment and Censure Materials Online, League of Nations, North Atlantic Treaty, The Army/McCarthy Hearings, U.S. Senate Historical Office, U.S. Senate Historical Statistics
Kerry, John Forbes, Hillary's Book Deal, Senator Byrd's Proposal for Bush, Senator Daschle Cartoon, Senator Helms Retires, Senator Jeffords Turns the Senate, Senator Lieberman Cartoons, Senator Lott Compared to Senator Byrd by a Cartoon, Senator Lott Subjected to Jokes, Cartoons and Sati, Senator Torricelli Cartoon, Senator Wellstone Cartoons
Organizational Chart of the U.S. Senate, U.S. Senate Democratic Policy Committee, U.S. Senate Republican Policy Committee
Akaka, Daniel K. [D-HI], Alexander, Lamar [R-TN], Allard, Wayne [R-CO], Allen, George [R-VA], Baucus, Max [D-MT], Bayh, Evan [D-IN], Bennett, Robert F. [R-UT], Biden, Joseph R., Jr. [D-DE], Bingaman, Jeff [D-NM], Bond, Christopher S. 'Kit' [R-MO]
Proposed Amendments
Continuity of Government, Flag Desecration, Foreign Born Presidents, Gay Marriage, Human Life, Victims' Rights, Lost 13th Amendment Was Actually Ratified, Proposed Amendments not Ratified by the States, Repeal 17th Amendment, Riddick on Constitutional Amendments in the U.S. S, Some Proposed Constitutional Amendments, The Liberty Amendment, U.S. House Joint Resolutions, 108th Congress, U.S. Senate Joint Resolutions, 108th Congress
Authority and Rules of Senate Committees, Interviews With Floyd Riddick, Joseph Story on the Senate Rulemaking Power, Riddick's Senate Procedure, Senate Election Law Guidebook, Senate Manual, Senate Orders Regarding Voting Procedure, Standing Rules of the Senate, The Constitution, Thomas Jefferson's Manual Of Parliamentary Pr
Senate President
Constitutional Role of the Vice President of the U, Definition of "Casting Vote" in Websters, Federalist No. 68 by Alexander Hamilton, Home Page of the Vice President of the United Stat, Jefferson's Manual of Parliamentary Practice,, Senate Precedents Regarding the Vice President of , The Senate and the United States Constitution, Vice President of the United States (President of , Vice Presidential Tie-Breaking Votes
Arms Control, Commercial, Environmental, Treaties Currently Pending Before the Senate, Treaties in Force as of January 1, 2000, Treaties Search Page, U.S. Senate: Legislation & Records Home: Treat
Active Legislation in U.S. Senate
Active legislation page, providing easily accessible information about many hot legislative issues that are currently pending before the Senate.
Congressional Hearings
Searchable Senate and House hearings databases, available courtesy of Government Printing Office, contain selected hearings for the 105th Congress forward.
The United States Senate
A very concise description of the structure and character of the U.S. Senate, courtesy of the French Senate.
THOMAS -- U.S. Congress on the Internet
Search through bills from this and previous sessions of the House and Senate, search the Congressional Record, and get committee reports.
U.S. Senate
Official site of "the living symbol of our union of states." Connect with Senators, and learn about Senate committees, legislation, records, art, history, schedules, news, tours, and visits. Reference material is included too.
U.S. Senate Schedule from C-Span
Daily schedule of proceedings with links to committee agendas and C-SPAN multimedia programs.
United States Senate From PoliticsOL
Smorgasbord of stuff related to U.S. Senate, including interesting questions and answers, info about movies related to the Senate, plus news, legislation, voting records, and campaign contributions.
United States Senate Publications
Browse official Senate publications via the Government Printing Office website, including committee and subcommittee reports.
Yahoo! Elected Officials, Issues and Media
Find elected officials, including the president, members of the Senate and the House, governors, state legislators, and local officials, by inputting a name, your zip code, or your state. A clickable map is also included.