DOE Office of Science (SC)
Funds basic research to advance the fundamental science knowledge base and train future scientists. Topics include: materials and chemical sciences, engineering and geosciences, and energy biosciences; magnetic fusion energy; health and environmental research; high energy and nuclear physics; computational and technology research in mathematical, informational, and computational sciences.
Environmental Management Science Program
Sponsors basic research on waste management and environmental cleanups, aimed at reducing costs, schedule, and risks of cleaning up the DOE nuclear complex. Deals with technical problems related to high-level waste, spent nuclear fuel, mixed waste, nuclear materials, subsurface contamination, decommissioning, and health/ecological risk.
Office of Advanced Scientific Computing Research
Performs long-term computational, networking, technology, and advanced energy projects research.
Office of Basic Energy Sciences
Funds basic scientific research related to possible new and improved energy technologies and improved understanding and mitigating the environmental impacts of energy use. Areas include materials science, chemistry, nanotechnology, geosciences, and complex systems.
Office of Biological and Environmental Research (O
In DOE Office of Science. Mission is to develop knowledge needed to identify, understand, and anticipate the health and environmental consequences of energy production, development, and use. Supports peer-reviewed research at DOE National Laboratories universities, and private institutions.
Office Of High Energy and Nuclear Physics
Supports basic research on fundamental particles and forces and nuclear matter, to understand the nature of matter at its most fundamental level and to explore the evolution of the universe. Program includes construction and operation of major accelerator research facilities.
U.S. Fusion Energy Sciences Program
Supports programs to advance plasma science and fusion science and technology, to provide the knowledge base for an economically and environmentally attractive fusion energy source.