Educational Resources Information Center (ERIC)
A national information system to provide access to education literature and resources. Search the database that contains more than 1 million abstracts of education-related documents and journal articles.
Institute of Education Sciences (IES)
Advances the field of education research and features funding opportunities, details on the Education Sciences Reform Act of 2002, press releases, reports, and statistics.
National Center for Education Evaluation and Regio
Evaluates the impact of federal programs, synthesizes and disseminates information from evaluation and research, and provides technical assistance to improve student achievement. Study plans, FAQs, and publications are featured.
National Center for Education Research (NCER)
Supports rigorous research that contributes to the solution of significant education problems in the United States. Features include current research initiatives, the National Literacy Panel, and various national research and development centers .
National Center for Education Statistics (NCES)
Primary federal entity for collecting and analyzing educational data in the United States and other nations. Survey and program areas, electronic catalog, tables and figures, and locator services are provided.