Coast Watch
Makes satellite data products and in-situ data from NOAA environmental buoys available to Federal, state, and local marine scientists and coastal resource managers.
Environmental Services Data and Information Manage
Provides information about organizations, on-line systems, data sets, and other products available from NOAA from the data centers and other NOAA data providers.
National Climatic Data Center (NOAA)
NCDC is the world's largest active archive of weather data. NCDC produces numerous climate publications and responds to data requests from all over the world.
National Ice Center
Multiagency center whose mission is to provide worldwide operational sea ice analyses and forecasts for government agencies worldwide and the civil sector. Produces analyses and forecasts of Arctic, Antarctic, Great Lakes and Chesapeake Bay ice conditions to support customers with global, regional and tactical scale interests.
National Oceanographic Data Center
The National Oceanographic Data Center houses the largest collection of freely accessible oceanographic data in the world.
National Virtual Data System
Access to data and products from NOAA. Search by area, atlas, keyword or category.
NCDC as it Relates to NOAA
Presents an organizational structure of the NOAA and the responsibilities of each department, with specific reference to the National Climate Data Center.
Ocean Climate Laboratory
The primary objectives of the OCL are to improve the quality of the NODC's oceanographic data archives by using the data to perform scientific analyses, and develop improved ocean climatologies for annual, seasonal, and monthly compositing periods .