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Brevard County Green Party
Includes meeting information, issue position papers, by-laws, and a mailing list.
Broward County Green Party
Includes news, calendar of events, and a list of officers.
Florida Greens Forum - Email List
Event announcements and question and answer.
Florida Greens Open Discussion List
Green Party of Florida
Includes platform, bylaws, calendar of events, a list of local chapters, and campaign information.
Hillsborough County Green Party
Includes platform, volunteer information, list of upcoming elections, and a list of local issues.
Miami-Dade Green Party
Includes news, calendar of events, a list of issues, volunteer information, and information about joining or donating.
Pasco County Green Party
Includes calendar of events and contact information for officers.
Pinellas County Green Party
Includes news, by-laws, volunteer information, a list of committees, and a mailing list.
Sarasota County Green Party
Includes meeting information, news, photos, and a mailing list.
Tallahassee Green Party
Includes meeting information, calendar of events, a list of committees and campaigns, and by-laws.