english deutsch
Bice Ristorante
Information on menu and location.
Bistro 821
Combination of Asian, European and American foods and tastes. Menu, wine list, and location.
Calistoga Bakery Cafe
Menu, hours, and information about a cafe/restaurant/coffee shop.
Chardonnay Restaurant
Menu for this french restaurant.
ChefMoz Restaurant Guide
Read or write a dining review of your favorite restaurant in Naples.
Crayton Cove
Information about Naples City Dock, the famous Dock Restaurant, a variety of shops, salons, eateries and charter fishing boats.
DiningGuide Naples
Offers a restaurant directory, organized by location and cuisine type.
Il Fresco Cafe Roma
Offers location information and menu.
Marie-Michelle's Restaurant on the Bay
Information about a French restaurant, including menu selections, entertainment information, and location details.
Menu, directions, and more for this Italian restaurant.
Maxwell's on the Bay
Menu, hours, and general information.
Michelbob's Ribs
Information on menu and location.
Naples English Pub
English themed pub and restaurant. Provides information on menus and scheduled events.
Noodles Italian Cafe
Information on a local pasta restaurant, featuring seafood and vegetarian dining.
Paddy Murphys Irish Pub
Irish themed pub and restaurant. Provides information on menus, scheduled entertainment and merchandise.
Pelican Larry's Raw Bar & Grill
Specializing in seafood dishes. Features menus and photos.
Pier 41 Restaurant
Menu, information, and coupons.
Remy's Bistro
Menu, reservations, and contact information.
Ridgeport Pub
Restaurant and sports bar offering a menu, live music schedule, and a game for winning coupons.
Ridgway Bar - Bayside Seafood - Tony's Off Th
Information on a group of restaurants.
Riverwalk Restaurant at Tin City
Information about casual waterfront dining, including menus and location information.
Sunrise Cafe
Information about the menu, which offers a veriety of breakfast and lunch choices, operating hours, and location.
The Blue Heron
Seafood restaurant located on Isles of Capri.
The Tropical Reef
Reviews and menu for a local seafood restaurant.
Zoes Restaurant and Bar
Fine food and wine, entertainment, Also available for private functions/events.