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BetterWay of Miami, Inc.
Better Way's goal is to return clean, sober, responsible, self-sufficient Individuals to the community through the most effective, caring and cost efficient use of Better Way and community resources.
Boca Marriage Counseling
List of professionals that provide marriage counseling and related services in the Boca Raton, FL area.
Columbia Hospital
Columbia Hospital offers comprehensive psychiatric service in Palm Beach County. The 88-bed inpatient unit is located adjacent to the hospital. They treat the psychiatric needs of children, adolescents, adults and seniors through a full range of programs that include individual therapy, group therapy, family therapy, medication management.
Comprehensive Addiction Rehabilitation Education (
Helps people overcome eating disorders and drug and substance addiction and abuse.
Counseling/Psychotherapy Services--Tampa
Full service counseling center for depression, marriage and family, anxiety, bipolar, anger management, substance abuse, stress, self-esteem, weight loss, sex issues, and more.
Couples Communication Tools
We teach couples communication skills to provide more joy and harmony in their relationship. Couples classes and individual sessions are offered in Bethesda, Maryland and Sarasota, Florida.
Directory of Florida Therapists
Listing of Florida therapists, psychiatrists, psychologists, and marriage and family counselors.
Dr. Cheri Sparks
Licensed psychologist Dr. Cheri Sparks with offices in Gulf Breeze and Pensacola Florida. Individual and Family Counseling, Assessment and Mediation.
Florida Board of Clinical Social Work, Marriage an
The Florida Board of Clinical Social Work, Marriage and Family Therapy and Mental Health Counseling licenses and regulates clinical social workers, marriage and family therapists, and mental health counselors
Florida Commission on Mental Health and Substance
The Commission is charged with evaluating the management of Florida's publicly supported mental health and substance abuse systems and services and making recommendations to the Governor and Legislature.
Florida Council For Community Mental Health
Describes the FCCMH organization, goals, and objectives along with member services, special projects, jobs, training, and government affairs.
Florida Crisis Counseling Services
Therapist, counselors and mental health professionals offering reduced fee or free services to assist the community in coping with violence and trauma.
Florida Directory of Psychologists
State page from national listing of mental health practitioners. Office locations and contact information.
Florida Mental Health Advocate
Internet newsletter helping the advocacy community share information and work together to improve access to treatment and help shape public policy affecting mental health.
Florida Psychiatric Society
Professional organization for all of Florida's psychiatrists.
Florida-- Therapist Directory on Psychology.Com
Therapists in Florida that have had their qualifications reviewed and approved by Psychology.com. Lists their contact information.
Jason M. Schmotzer, Psy.D., Licensed Psychologist
Information about psychotherapy and psychology and specific information regarding my practice, including education and training. Links to community resources as well.
List of Counselors in Florida
List of Counselors, Therapists, and mental health specialists practicing in Florida, along with location and some license information.
Mandarin Counseling, Inc.
Licensed Clincial Social Worker. Specilizes in mood disorders, chemical dependency evaluations, relationships, grief & loss, trauma recovery, stress & anger management
Mental Health Associates - Pensacola, FL
Offering comprehensive therapeutic services with a mission to help people help themselves. Serving the mental health needs of northwest Florida since 1997.
Mental Health Resources for Boca Raton, FL
Mental Health Resources for Boca Raton, FL - List of organizations, hospitals, and professionals
Treatment for mood disorders, ADD/ADHD, stress/anxiety/anger management, couples counseling, family therapy, psychoeducational evaluations, and psychological testing.
Psychological services in Naples, FL.
Professional site of David M. Smith, Psy.D., a licensed psychologist providing cognitive-behavioral counseling and psychotherapy. He specializes in the treatment of anxiety and depression as well as eating disorders and addictions.
South Florida Mental Health Counseling Services
Professional mental health counseling services available at Aventura Stress Relief Center in Aventura and Plantation Florida. These South Florida mental health counseling service facilities specialize in the treatment of stress and anxiety.
Therapist Directory - Florida
List of therapists, counselors, and mental health professionals in Florida.
University Hospital and Medical Center Healthy Min
University Hospital and Medical Center treats addiction, insomnia, stress and a variety of mental illness. Treatments, location and Contact information.