Alabama Department of Education, Alaska Department of Education, American Samoa Government, Arizona Department of Education, Arkansas Department of Education, California Department of Education, Colorado Department of Education, Commonwealth of the Northern Mariana Islands, Connecticut State Department of Education, Delaware Department of Education
School Districts, 2005 National Education Summit on High Schools, American School Directory, Americans for Better Education Survey, ArtsEdNet, Community Education Partners (CEP), Council for Basic Education, District Bug, ED NCES: Common Core of Data (CCD), eRate Solutions, LLC, Forte International Exchange Association
AACTE Education Policy Clearinghouse, Accreditation Council for Graduate Medical Educati, American Academy for Liberal Education, American Association of Colleges for Teacher Educa, American Council on Education, American Indian Higher Education Consortium (AIHEC, American School Food Service Association, American Society of Greek and Latin Epigraphy, Americans for Better Education, Appalachian Technology in Education Consortium - A
Vocational and Technical
Chubb Institute, The, National Centers for Career and Technical Educatio
American Post-Secondary Schools
Find vocational and technical schools, plus colleges and universities, across the USA.
Basic School Network
Integrating priorities of member schools into one coherent set of goals and objectives.
Bureau of Educational and Cultural Affairs (ECA),
Includes coverage of International Visitor Program, Fulbright Program, Office of English Language Programs, Educational Information and Resources Branch, International Exchanges, and related programs.
Children's World Learning Centers
National network of child care providers. Offers details on programs such as infant, toddler, preschool, prekindergarten, kindergarten, before and after school, summer camps. Careers, locator tool, and parents' resources are available.
Congressional Hispanic Caucus Institute
Seeks (CHCI) to link higher education resources with Hispanics throughout the United States. CHCI's mission is to develop the next generation of Latino leaders.
Cordell Hull Foundation for International Educatio
A non-profit organization assists in the recruitment, selection and administration for J-1 visa sponsorship for exchange teachers to teach in bilingual, math, science and ESL programs.
Department of Defense Education Activity (DoDEA)
A civilian agency of the U.S. who oversees all oversea schools in military bases.
Education and Human Resources (EHR) Branch, AAAS
Develops models, materials, mechanisms, processes, and networks. Conduct studies and analyses. Promotes real education that connects in-school and out-of-school experiences. Branch of the American Association for the Advancement of Science.
Education Law Association
Nonprofit, nonadvocacy organization that provides unbiased information about current legal issues affecting education in schools, colleges, and universities.
Education Week on the Web
Weekly news on American education issues. Searchable archives.
Federal Register
October 1995 to date U.S. Department of Education documents.
Foundation for Excellent Schools
A nonprofit, national organization dedicated to bettering the nation's schools through outside funding and community involvement.
Fulbright Association
The U.S. alumni membership organization which supports and promotes the Fulbright Program of international educational and cultural exchange
Global SchoolNet Foundation
Provides online collaborative learning through projects, communication tools and professional development.
Serves children with varying degrees of disabilities through Heartspring School, the Growing Place and the Hearing Center. Details on national and regional programs based out of Wichita, Kansas.
HONESTI: Human Organization to Nix Extensive Stude
Working to educate students and parents about the high cost of education, and what can be done to protest large annual increases.
Huntington Learning Centers
Nationally franchised tutoring and enrichment programs searchable by zip code. Franchise and affiliate inquiry forms.
I Love Schools, Inc.
Charitable group connecting private donors to schools and teachers to help buy supplies not publicly funded. Sponsorship, direct donation, wish list.
International Student Guide
Resources for students worldwide who are interested in studying in the United States.
Mid-Atlantic Regional Teachers Project (MARTP)
A regional collaboration to address data-driven policy impacting teacher quality and the region's teacher supply and demand. The primary concern of the project is providing every student in the region with a quality teacher.
National Center for Education Statistics
NCES collects, analyzes and makes available data related to education in the U.S. and other nations.
National Center for Science Education
Clearinghouse for information and advice to keep evolution in the science classroom and certain other theories out.
National Education Goals Panel (NEGP) Archives
The NEGP was a bipartisan and intergovernmental body of federal and state officials created in July 1990 to assess and report state and national progress toward achieving the National Education Goals. Though dissolved in 2002, its publications and findings are archived here on this site.
National Head Start Association
A private not-for profit membership organization representing the 865,000 children, upwards of 180,000 staff and nearly 2,100 Head Start programs in America.
National Institute for Literacy (NIFL)
An independent federal organization leading the national effort toward a fully literate America in the 21st century. Features details on interagency management group, programs and services, and events.
National Library of Education
US federal government's resource center for education information.
National Public School District Locator
Enter search data for a county or city to locate information on the school district including a list of schools.
National Rural Education Association
Organization of rural school administrators, teachers, board members, regional service agency personnel, researchers, business and industry representatives and others interested in maintaining the vitality of rural school systems across the country.
Pennsylvania - Timothy School, The
An approved private non-profit day school in Berwyn serving children diagnosed with autism or pervasive developmental disorders (PDD).
Northeastern University program that prepares engineers, scientists, and other individuals with science backgrounds to assist middle school science teachers with teaching the physical sciences.
Regional Educational Laboratory (REL) Network
Provides information from research and practice to those involved in educational improvement at the local, state, and regional levels.
Regional Technology in Education Consortia
Established to help states, local educational agencies, teachers, school library and media personnel, administrators, and other education entities successfully integrate technologies into kindergarten through 12th grade (K-12) classrooms, library media centers, and other educational settings, including adult literacy centers.
School Integrated Pest Management (IPM)
National program, funded by the EPA, that provides information for school administrators, teachers, parents and pest control technicians on reducing pests in schools while reducing the amount of pesticides.
State Regulation of Private Schools
A brief description, by state, of the legal requirements that apply to private schools. (Last updated in 2000)
Teaching Resource Center
Provides classroom teachers, administrators, and parents with affordable, innovative teaching materials and books for reading and math.
The National Employment Minority Network
Resource organization committed to helping schools and organizations address issues of staff diversity, providing employment and professional development opportunities for minority students and professionals.
Two Worlds United Educational Foundation
Study abroad and student exchange programs for students and teachers who wish to travel or study an academic year, semester or summer abroad. FAQs, educational facts, program details, and contacts are provided.