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Dodd, Chris
Opposing Views, Chris Dodd for U.S. Senate, Statewide Chris Dodd for Senate Meetup Day
Orchulli, Jack
FOXNews: Wealthy Fashion Executive to Run Against , Jack for Senate.com, Senate Races 2004: Connecticut
Connecticut Candidates, Connecticut Politics and M
Listing of Connecticut candidates for Governor, State Senate, State Representative, U.S. Senate, U.S. Congress, and local elections, courtesy of "US Elections."
Connecticut Election in 2004
A political portal providing links to all U.S. Senate candidates in Connecticut, and other Connecticut candidates too, courtesy of "Pure Politics."
Connecticut Race Detail Page
Information about the 2004 US Senate race in Connecticut, courtesy of "Our Campaigns."
Fast-food Manager Eyes Senate Seat
Newspaper article about William Bentley, who was a candidate for U.S. Senate in the 2004 Connecticut race.
State by State: Connecticut
The mational Democratic Senate Campaign Committee (DSCC) provides information about Joseph Lieberman's 2006 reelection bid.