1895 Atlas Connecticut
In addition to state and county maps, provided is population information on towns and villages with indication of whether or not there is a post office, railroad station and express office.
Connecticut Courthouse Postcards
Displays vintage postcards of historical Connecticut courthouses, with history of the court including architects, dates and historical events that have taken place at the courts.
Connecticut History Online
Database of 19th and 20th century photographs, drawings and prints from three institutions depicting social, business, political, educational, cultural and civic life with curriculum materials for grades 7-12.
Connecticut in 1836: Drawings by John Warner Barbe
Descriptions and samples of drawings held in the collections of the Connecticut Historical Society.
Connecticut Map - 1895
Oversized (2579 x 1692 pixels) of state map, from Rand McNally Atlas.
Connecticut Maps and Sea Charts
Gallery of maps and charts available for purchase online.
Connecticut, 1824
Oversized (2100pixels x 1603pixels) map showing the entire state as it laid out in 1824.
Map of Connecticut
Oversized (2579x1692 pixels) of the entire state in 1895.
Old Maps of Connecticut Towns
Reproductions of old maps of towns and villages in Connecticut, from county atlases published in the late 1800s. Price and ordering information provided.
Plan of the Colony of Connecticut
Hand-colored map from 1766 showing counties, towns, rivers and post roads. Provided by the University of Connecticut Map and Geographic Information Center's Historical Scanned Map Collection.
The Antiquarian and Landmarks Society
Contemporary color photographs of historical monuments and architecture in Connecticut.
View of Derby, Shelton and East Derby in 1898
Panoramic bird's-eye view of region in 1898, from the Library of Congress Geography and Map Division.