A Brief History of the Pequot War
Reprint of text written by Major John Mason, chief Captain and Commander of Connecticut Forces during the time of the conflict.
Alfred A. Cave: The Pequot War
Review by Robert E. Weir of book published by the University of Amherst Press.
Narragansett Stalking Horse: The English Role in t
Text by Clayton E. Cramer, with notes and bibliography.
Native American Authors: William Apess
Brief profile of the Pequot who lived from 1798-1839, along with online resources and list of titles by the author.
Pequot History
Overview of location, population, language, villages, culture and associated tribes.
Pequot War
Illustrated overview of historical event.
Pequot War
Extensive information on the 1637 conflict between the Pequots and New England settlers.
The Pequot War
Comprehensive overview, with map showing location of tribes.
The Pequot War: A Television Documentary
Description of the actual event, plus information on the documentary being made for Public Television.