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Behavioral Health Services
Mental health and substance abuse care program, with 24-hour hotline and services for adults and adolescents. Services provided at Manchester Memorial Hospital, Rockville General Hospital and the Glastonbury Wellness Center.
Cancer Care
Cancer's seven warning signs, the "Breathe Easy" program, free screenings located throughout the region, and The John A. DeQuattro Community Cancer Center.
Diabetes Self-Management Program
Tip of the week, plus program overview and profile of those at risk for diabetes.
Dialysis Services
Description of the dialysis process, profile of the Dialysis Center and program information.
Emergency and Urgent Care
Information on facilities at Manchester Memorial Hospital, Rockville General Hospital and walk-in medical centers.
Program which utilizes electronic device to signal an emergency response team. Available on a short-term or long-term basis.
Maternity Services
Information on The Birthplace at Rockville General Hospital and The Family Birthing Center at Manchester Memorial Hospital.
Nutrition and Weight Management
Individualized counseling sessions and weight-loss programs and the four facilities, plus education programs offered.
Outpatient Services
Menu of services provided by Manchester Memorial Hospital, Rockville General Hospital, CorpCare, Glastonbury Wellness Center, North Central Medicine Center, Women's Center for Wellness and the Visiting Nurse and Health Services of Connecticut.
Rehabilitation Services
Physical, occupational and speech therapies plus cardiac, pulmonary and renal rehabilitation services.
Sleep Disorders Laboratory
Signs of a sleep disorder and overview of facility.