Covenant Soup Kitchen
Program based at Saint Paul's Episcopal Church that serves breakfast and lunch six days a week and operates a emergency food pantry five days a week.
St. Paul's Episcopal Church
Information on worship services, education, parish life, sermons and soup kitchen.
The Green Party of Connecticut
Northeast chapter of state political party and activist organization.
The Irish Club of Willimantic
Organization which fosters understanding and appreciation of Irish culture through social and recreational activities.
Thread City Bread
Willimantic area's special type of money that's issued and used as a fun and effective means of barter to promote local business, get people working and foster community.
Willimantic Church of the Nazarene
Church of the Nazarene information and services.
Willimantic Victorian Neighborhood Association
Photos and information on Victorian homes in town, plus membership.
Windham Textile & History Museum
Housed in buildings constructed in 1877 at the Windham Mills complex in Willimantic.